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How to Master the Sphinx Riddles in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – Your Ultimate Guide

How to Master the Sphinx Riddles in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey – Your Ultimate Guide

July 1, 2023 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

In this guide, we will delve into the intriguing world of Sphinx riddles and equip you with the knowledge to conquer them all. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your odyssey, this guide will ensure you unlock the secrets of the Sphinx.

Unveiling the Sphinx in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

To begin your journey with the Sphinx, approach it during the cover of the night. As you arrive at the imposing statue, it will awaken, presenting you with a choice – engage in a battle or face the challenge of answering its riddles. However, the option is merely an illusion, as the only way of defeating the Sphinx is to intellectually embrace the challenge and prepare to tackle the riddles it poses.

Decoding the Twelve Sphinx Riddles

The Sphinx Interrogating Kassandra | Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

The Sphinx presents you with twelve potential riddles, but it will only ask three of them in a random sequence. The key to success lies in understanding each riddle and providing the correct answer. Below, we have compiled the complete list of riddles along with their corresponding answers and the symbols found on the pillars surrounding the Sphinx:

  1. Riddle: What can bring back the dead; make you cry, make you laugh, make you young; is born in an instant, yet lasts a lifetime. Answer: Memory
  2. Riddle: This thing all things devour: birds, beasts, trees, flowers; gnaws iron, bites steel; grinds hard stones to meal. Answer: Time
  3. Riddle: Some try to hide, some try to cheat; but time will show, we always will meet. Try as you might to guess my name. Answer: Death
  4. Riddle: As small as your thumb, I am light in the air. You may hear me before you see me, but trust that I’m here. Answer: Hummingbird
  5. Riddle: I’m alive, but without breath; I’m as cold in life as in death; I’m never thirsty, though I always drink. Answer: Fish
  6. Riddle: I create my lair with earthen string, and dispatch my prey with a biting sting. Answer: Spider
  7. Riddle: What is always old and sometimes new; never sad, sometimes blue; never empty, but sometimes full; never pushes, always pulls? Answer: Moon
  8. Riddle: Never resting, never still; moving silently from hill to hill; it does not walk, run or trot; all is cool where it is not. Answer: Sun
  9. Riddle: At night they come without being fetched, and by day they are lost without being stolen. Answer: Stars
  10. Riddle: In spring I am gay in handsome array; in summer more clothing I wear; when colder it grows, I fling off my clothes; and in winter quite naked appear. Answer: Tree
  11. Riddle: What is large, yet never grows; has roots that cannot be seen; and is taller than trees? Answer: Mountain
  12. Riddle: What can run, but never walks; has a mouth, but never talks; has a head, but never weeps; has a bed, but never sleeps? Answer: River

Solving the Riddles and Claiming Your Rewards

Kassandra caught in the sphinx riddles' web
Kassandra Holding the Cyclops’ Eye

After successfully answering the three riddles posed by the Sphinx, your next step is to interact with the three pillars in the vicinity. Each pillar bears a symbol that corresponds to one of your answers. Click on the pillars in the correct order to progress and unlock the Sphinx’s secrets.

Bountiful Rewards Await

Upon completing this enigmatic quest, your efforts will be rewarded generously. Expect to receive the Sphinx Figurehead as a Ship cosmetic, the powerful Mace of the Sphinx as a weapon, and the coveted Prize of the Sphinx, a quest item essential for “The Gates of Atlantis” mission. Additionally, you will unlock the esteemed “Riddle Me This” Achievement, showcasing your prowess in deciphering the Sphinx’s enigmas.

We hope this guide has proven valuable in your quest to conquer the Sphinx riddles in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. For the latest updates and engaging content on Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, make sure to explore our GAME NEWS and GUIDES sections regularly. Stay informed about Ubisoft’s ongoing contributions to the game.