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BioWare’s Mass Effect 5 – Everything We Know So Far

BioWare’s Mass Effect 5 – Everything We Know So Far

January 7, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

In the realm of gaming, few titles command as much anticipation as BioWare’s upcoming Mass Effect 5. A tantalizing prospect for fans, this article aims to compile and unravel the fragments of information we currently possess about the highly awaited RPG.

Release Date

The first question on every fan’s mind: when can we embark on this new space odyssey? Unfortunately, BioWare has kept us on the edge of our seats by not revealing a concrete release date. Insights from BioWare GM Gary McKay suggest that Mass Effect 5 is still in the prototyping phase as of February 2022. While the development is ongoing, the lack of a release date announcement implies we might have to wait until 2028 or 2029, mirroring the timeline of Dragon Age Dreadwolf.

Everything We Know So Far

Mass Effect 5 – Teaser Trailer

The announcement trailer, our primary source of information, paints a vivid but cryptic picture of the game. The teaser showcases two galaxies, fueling speculations that Mass Effect 5 might be a direct sequel to Mass Effect 3 and Mass Effect: Andromeda, weaving a narrative that spans these distinct cosmic realms. Notably, dead Reapers and an aged Liara T’Soni hint at a potential continuation of the Mass Effect 3 storyline, possibly set up to 900 years after the original trilogy.

BioWare’s commitment to pushing boundaries is evident as Mass Effect 5 is set to utilize the Unreal Engine. The job postings seeking programmers skilled in Unreal Engine 4 and Unreal Engine 5 confirm the studio’s dedication to delivering a visually stunning and technically advanced gaming experience. The inclusion of seasoned writer Mary DeMarle, known for her work on Deus Ex and Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, as the senior narrative director further raises expectations for a rich and engaging storyline.


commander shepard mass effect

While the launch platforms remain shrouded in mystery, we can make informed speculations. Considering the game’s distant release date, it’s reasonable to assume Mass Effect 5 will grace the current generation of consoles—Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5—alongside a PC release. However, the possibility of a Switch or past-generation console release remains unconfirmed.

Delving into the technical details, we find ourselves in uncharted territory. With no confirmed PC release or specifications, players are left to ponder the game’s system requirements. While it’s highly likely that the game will find its way to PC, BioWare’s silence keeps us guessing until an official confirmation.

Multiplayer and Monetization

BioWare’s silence extends to the multiplayer and monetization aspects. Fans of the previous titles are hopeful for the return of the engaging multiplayer experience featured in Mass Effect 3 and Mass Effect: Andromeda. As for DLC and microtransactions, no official word has been given. The prospect of additional content, akin to the lauded expansions of Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3, remains a tantalizing possibility.

Mass Effect 5 Preorder

For those eager to secure their copy early, the wait continues. Mass Effect 5 is not yet available for preorder, leaving fans on the edge of their seats, eager to dive into the next chapter of this iconic series. The journey into the unknown continues for Mass Effect enthusiasts. As BioWare meticulously crafts this next instalment, the anticipation only grows. Stay tuned for updates as we chart the course towards the unveiling of Mass Effect 5.