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Things You Can Do In Far Cry 6

Things You Can Do In Far Cry 6

July 12, 2021 Off By TheDashDouble
All editions for Far Cry 6 are currently available for Order with a higher store advantage.
There have been a few odd detours, such as Far Cry Primal, which flung players back in time to the Stone Age, and the Mars expansion. However, the major games in the series haven’t been all that dissimilar. They’ve usually been enjoyable, but it appears like Ubisoft has discovered a groove for Far Cry and is keeping the needle buried there. While Far Cry 6 does not appear to be a complete reimagining of the franchise, there are a few new aspects that stick out.

You will have animal pals only

You could enlist numerous NPCs and summon them in to help you in Far Cry 5 and New Dawn, such as bush pilot Nick, who could fly his plane in for air support, and Hank Drubman, Jr., who would follow you about with his RPG and blow up anything in your path. In Far Cry 6, however, this won’t be the case. Chorizo, an exuberant little dog in a wheelchair who can distract soldiers, and Guapo, a crocodile who can tear them to shreds and eat them, will be among your animal companions. Human companions, on the other hand, are a no-no. You will occasionally battle with people on certain missions and during specific activities, but this will not be the case if you want someone to follow you all the time. According to David Grivel who explained – “We don’t have Guns for Hire per se, but we do have other NPCs alongside you.” 

Horse riding

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It’s strange that you never got to ride a horse in Far Cry 5, despite the fact that Montana is known for having plenty of them. Far Cry 6 fixes this oddity, and horses can now be ridden. The majority of the focus in Far Cry 6 appears to be on cars, which may be customized, upgraded, and transported to your location for a quick getaway.

Holster your weapon

Far Cry 6 is indeed a first for the series, and it feels like it’s been a long time coming. Far Cry has always included stealth abilities (with the exception of the original, where sneaking appeared impossible), and concealing from opponents comes in helpful when destroying strongholds and outposts. When an enemy sees you in a Far Cry game, they immediately aggro you, no matter where you are or if you aren’t actively attacking them. Below includes things you would be able to do in Far Cry 6, that sets it apart from the previous far cry series.

Far cry 6 would allow you to blend in with the rest of the people of Yara. You only need to holster your firearm. You can’t get too close to foes or they’ll notice something’s wrong, and this doesn’t apply to restricted places such as enemy bases. However, when you’re out in the world and observe enemy soldiers approaching, holster your weapon and they’ll think you’re just another citizen. Instead of being shredded by bullets, you can even drive through manned checkpoints.

In summary, it means you’ll be able to roam freely, drive without being rammed by an enemy vehicle, scout sites, walk through populated areas, and decide when the action begins rather than being forced to react when you become a target.

Use photos to find mission locations 

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There were a couple of sequences in the gameplay clip that attracted attention, and they had nothing to do with shooting down helicopters or blowing up gas stations. Dani is seen strolling through a town and a wild area with her phone in her hand. A photo of a building with graffiti on the walls appears on one of her screens, while another displays a hand-drawn depiction of a trail with palm trees. Dani can utilize the images on her phone to find the spot she’s looking for instead of merely following a quest marker on a map.


More huge and varied world

In Far Cry 5, Montana was vast and lovely, but it never felt like a genuine location. It was a map where the largest town consisted of only a few buildings and where a mission may be as simple as a barn or a couple of huts. Far Cry 6 appears to be a proper settlement with a large capital city, smaller districts and villages scattered throughout, immense wilderness, and smaller islands encircling the perimeter.

Still a lot of funny-looking weaponry around

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It appears like anybody looking for a more grounded return to a game like Far Cry 2 will be disappointed. A backpack that fires rockets and forms flame walls, miniguns made from motorbike engines, and a weapon that fires compact discs while blasting Macarena are all on show in Far Cry 6.

Perks are tied to gear

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The new perk system, which ties player rewards to gear, has really won me over. This means you’re not bound by your perk selections when it comes to your playstyle. If you discover that you don’t enjoy being a sniper, you can swap out your sniper gear for something that supports a different playstyle.

far cry far cry 6 hd wallpaper previewimage by Ubisoft
All editions for Far Cry 6 are currently available for Order with a higher store advantage.