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Switch 2 Rumours Heat Up: Next-Gen Console Could Arrive Early Next Year

Switch 2 Rumours Heat Up: Next-Gen Console Could Arrive Early Next Year

September 28, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

The next big leap for Nintendo might be closer than you think. The gaming community has been buzzing about a possible successor to the hugely successful Nintendo Switch, and recent rumours suggest that the so-called “Switch 2” could be launching as early as March or April next year. The latest information comes from Ruben Mercado, CEO of accessory manufacturer Blade, who claims that the next-gen console is “done” and “ready” to go.

According to Mercado, Blade already has access to near-final versions of the hardware, hinting that the new system is set for a simultaneous worldwide launch. The timing, however, could depend on Nintendo’s financial performance. If sales of the current-gen Switch don’t meet expectations, the company might push the launch up to March 2024. But if sales remain strong, fans may have to wait until the beginning of Nintendo’s new fiscal year in April 2025.

Magnetic Joy-Cons and New Analog Sticks?

One of the juiciest details that Mercado shared involves the new console’s Joy-Con controllers. It seems Nintendo is experimenting with a new magnetic locking system to secure the Joy-Cons to the device. This would be a welcome upgrade for those who’ve had issues with loose or drifting Joy-Cons in the current model. However, the new system could mean that existing Joy-Con accessories, like analogue stick covers, won’t be compatible with the updated design due to differences in stick dimensions and structure.

Given that accessory makers like Blade usually have early access to hardware designs to ensure compatibility, these claims lend a bit of credibility to the speculation. But as always, until Nintendo drops an official announcement, it’s best to take these details with a grain of salt.

So, Why All the Hype Now?

Nintendo's Switch 2
Image credit: Nintendo

Nintendo has been tight-lipped about a Switch successor, but the sheer volume of recent leaks and rumours suggests that something big is on the horizon. A report from earlier this year hinted that the “Switch 2” (or whatever it ends up being called) might feature a hybrid model similar to its predecessor, allowing players to game on the go or dock the system for a more traditional home console experience.

This latest rumour from Mercado adds more fuel to the fire, especially given that the fiscal year for Nintendo ends in March 2025. It wouldn’t be surprising if Nintendo aimed for a launch just before the fiscal year closes to boost their numbers or kick off the new year strong with a release in April.

What About the Specs?

While details about the internal specs of the next-gen Switch remain scarce, it’s widely speculated that Nintendo will aim for a performance boost to better compete with the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. Improved battery life, higher resolution displays, and enhanced processing power could be on the wishlist, but Nintendo’s history suggests that the company prioritizes innovation over pure hardware power. So, expect to see some creative new features that take advantage of the console’s unique form factor and play style.

What Could the “Switch 2” Launch Mean for Nintendo’s Lineup?

switch 2 design
Image credit: Nintendo

A new console launch is always a big deal, but for Nintendo, it could be game-changing. The current Switch has been around since 2017, and while it’s still wildly popular, a fresh piece of hardware could attract new players and boost engagement from existing fans.

A successful launch could also mean the arrival of new, higher-budget games that push the boundaries of what’s possible on a Nintendo console. This is especially exciting for fans who have been waiting for titles like Breath of the Wild 2 or a new Super Mario Odyssey that take full advantage of next-gen capabilities.

What’s Next?

With rumours swirling and insiders dropping hints, all eyes are now on Nintendo to see if they’ll make an official announcement soon. The gaming giant has been known to surprise fans, so a sudden reveal isn’t out of the question. If Mercado’s predictions are correct, the next few months will be crucial as we get closer to a potential launch date.

Stay tuned as more updates roll in. If you’re a Nintendo fan or just curious to see what’s next for the iconic gaming company, the next few months will be packed with anticipation and speculation.