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Assassin’s Creed Shadows Could Bring Co-op Mode Back to the Franchise – Here’s What We Know So Far

Assassin’s Creed Shadows Could Bring Co-op Mode Back to the Franchise – Here’s What We Know So Far

October 3, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

Ubisoft might be cooking up something special for Assassin’s Creed Shadows — a co-op mode! Rumour has it that the delayed game is set to introduce a multiplayer option where players can team up as both protagonists, the shinobi Naoe and the samurai Yasuke. This isn’t the first time the Assassin’s Creed series has ventured into co-op territory; Unity dabbled with a four-player mode back in 2014, but it didn’t quite pan out due to technical issues. So, what’s different this time?

Co-op Mode Rumored for Assassin’s Creed Shadows

naoe double assassinations
Image credit: Ubisoft

According to the latest report from Insider Gaming, the co-op mode for Shadows was already in development before the recent delay announcement, and it’s being planned as a post-launch feature. That means the focus right now is likely on delivering a polished single-player experience first, with multiplayer to follow. While Ubisoft hasn’t officially confirmed this feature, there’s a good chance we’ll see it down the road once Shadows releases in 2025.

So why is co-op a big deal now? After the troubled launch of Unity, Ubisoft leaned heavily into making Assassin’s Creed a primarily solo affair. Since then, the franchise has undergone a soft reboot, focusing on expansive single-player narratives with RPG mechanics. But now, Ubisoft seems eager to bring back those multiplayer vibes, starting with the mysterious Project Invictus and possibly expanding with Shadows.

This co-op revival could be a way for Ubisoft to reintroduce multiplayer elements while addressing the mistakes of the past, particularly with a smaller, two-player setup rather than a full squad like Unity. Imagine executing synchronized assassinations or tackling missions that require the unique skills of both a shinobi and a samurai — that’s the sort of tactical gameplay that could redefine Assassin’s Creed’s multiplayer experiences.

dual protagonists-assassin's creed shadows
Image credit: Ubisoft

And while there’s no telling exactly what the co-op will look like, it’s worth considering how Ubisoft might evolve the series’ mechanics to fit a collaborative play style. Will they implement puzzles and missions that require both players to use different abilities? Or could there be a competitive element woven into the story? There’s a lot to speculate about, but the potential is undoubtedly there.

What makes this development even more intriguing is the broader context of Ubisoft’s strategy. With Assassin’s Creed Codename Invictus, a multiplayer-centric project on the horizon, it’s clear the company wants to test the waters of what a modern-day Assassin’s Creed multiplayer can be. Adding co-op to Shadows might just be a stepping stone toward that larger goal.

In the meantime, fans will have to sit tight and wait for more official updates. With the game now set to drop in 2025, there’s plenty of time for Ubisoft to fine-tune both single-player and multiplayer aspects. And who knows? We might see even more classic elements reimagined in future titles.

For now, it’s all about anticipation — and if these rumours are true, Assassin’s Creed Shadows could mark a thrilling return to co-op adventures.