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How to Defeat the Black Loong in Black Myth: Wukong — Full Boss Fight Guide

How to Defeat the Black Loong in Black Myth: Wukong — Full Boss Fight Guide

September 22, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

The Black Loong, an electrifying and formidable dragon boss in Black Myth: Wukong, is a secret encounter that offers massive rewards for those who can defeat it. Wielding twin maces charged with electricity, Black Loong is one of the toughest bosses in Chapter 2. To defeat the Black Loong, you’ll need careful strategy, precise timing, and the right gear.

Prepping for the Battle

black loong location 1
Image credit: IGN

Before heading into battle, it’s crucial to gear up for Black Loong’s electric-based attacks. Stock up on items that increase your resistance to electricity, such as Thunderbolt Horn Soak from Shen Monkey, and don’t forget to carry plenty of healing items. You’ll also want to be at your best, meaning it might be wise to wait until you’ve completed Chapter 2 or even started Chapter 3 before facing off with the Black Loong.

How to Find Black Loong

To find the Black Loong, you’ll need to uncover his hidden lair behind a sandfall in the Fright Cliff. The key to gaining access is the Loong Scales, which can be obtained by defeating the First Rat Prince. Head to Sandgate Village, take down the King of Flowing Sand and lure the First Rat Prince into breaking open a hidden wall. Once you have the Loong Scales, you’ll be able to access Black Loong’s lair by removing the sandfall barrier at Rockrest Flat Shrine.

Black Loong’s Attack Patterns

slams hammer black loong
Image credit: IGN

Black Loong’s combat style is brutal, relying heavily on slow but devastating electrical attacks. One of his most dangerous moves is when his maces flare with electricity—any time you see this, prepare to dodge as they will detonate with explosive force. Here’s a breakdown of his main attacks:

  1. Leaping Slam – Black Loong leaps into the air and slams down with his maces, creating a massive electrical explosion. Dodge this and retaliate quickly while he recovers.
  2. Electrical Sweeps – He swings his maces in slow arcs, sending electrical currents out in front of him. Avoid getting too close as even the shockwaves can damage you.
  3. Combo Slams – A rapid series of alternating ground slams, up to nine in a row, with the final one creating the largest explosion. Interrupting this with Immobilize can help, but if you fail to stagger him, you’ll face the full brunt of the attack.
  4. Expanding Shockwave – After two swings, Black Loong brings his maces together in front of him, causing a shockwave. Dodge backwards or use Pillar Stance to rise above the shockwave and retaliate with a heavy attack.

Black Loong’s Electric Ring Attack

electrical ring
Image credit: IGN

Perhaps the most challenging move to deal with is Black Loong’s electric ring attack. When electricity starts to arc from his mouth and body, brace yourself. He’ll slam the ground in time with the drumbeats in the music, creating expanding rings of electricity that deal heavy damage. Getting caught in these can quickly deplete your health.

To survive, try to dodge parallel to Black Loong, weaving side to side rather than retreating backwards. You can also climb onto high ground to avoid the rings, but make sure it’s in a stable position—he might destroy certain rocks as the fight progresses. This move requires a mix of timing and stamina management, so keep your healing items close.

Sandstorm Vortex

Black Loong also has the ability to summon a sandstorm, much like the Yellow Wind Sage. When he spins his maces and summons the vortex, you’ll be pulled toward him, making dodging nearly impossible. Fortunately, you can counter this attack using the Wind Tamer Vessel, obtained from defeating the Fuban boss in Chapter 2. Activating the Wind Tamer will shatter the sandstorm and even stun Black Loong for a brief period, giving you a critical window to land powerful blows.

Dodging, Deflection, and Retaliation

fight black loong
Image credit: IGN

Black Loong’s attacks, while devastating, are slow and somewhat predictable. Use this to your advantage by dodging carefully and saving stamina for big retaliations. Rock Solid deflections can block some of his smaller attacks but won’t always stop his more devastating combos. Instead, rely on Azure Dust Transformation to consistently stagger him, or use the Pluck of Many to surround him with attacks from multiple angles, leaving him open for a charged strike.

If you want to go on the defensive, use Immobilize sparingly to buy time, and remember that heavy attacks are key to breaking through his defences. Keep an eye on his animations—Black Loong tends to telegraph his more significant moves, giving you a small window to react.

Post-Battle Rewards

final reward
Image credit: IGN

Taking down the Black Loong is no easy feat, but the rewards make it well worth the effort. After defeating him, you’ll receive:

  • Loong Pearl
  • Mind Core
  • Refined Iron Sand (x2)
  • 1576 Will
  • 2770 Experience

In addition to these powerful resources, you’ll find a gold chest nearby containing the Tridacna Pendant and Thunderbone, one of the materials needed to craft the Loongwreathe Staff—an incredibly powerful weapon that will give you a huge edge in future battles.