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What You Must Know About New iOS 17.5 Features and Bugs

What You Must Know About New iOS 17.5 Features and Bugs

May 25, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

Apple’s iOS updates always generate significant buzz among iPhone users, and iOS 17.5 is no exception. This update includes several exciting new features, but like any software update, it also comes with its fair share of bugs and issues. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the standout iOS 17.5 features, explore the most common bugs users are encountering, and provide possible solutions to help you fix these issues. Whether you’re an iOS enthusiast or a casual user, this article will equip you with the knowledge to navigate iOS 17.5 effectively.

iOS 17.5 Features

iOS 17.5 update issues

iOS 17.5 introduces a range of new features designed to enhance the user experience. Here are some of the most noteworthy additions:

Improved Widgets

Apple has expanded the functionality of widgets in iOS 17.5. You can now interact with widgets directly from the home screen, making it easier to access information and perform tasks without opening apps.

Improved Siri

Siri receives significant upgrades in this update. The voice assistant now offers more natural language processing and context awareness, providing more accurate and helpful responses.

Revamped Notification Center

The Notification Center in iOS 17.5 has been redesigned for better organization and customization. You can now group notifications by app and set priority levels to ensure they never miss important alerts.

New Privacy Features

Privacy remains a top priority for Apple. iOS 17.5 introduces new privacy settings, including more granular control over app permissions and enhanced tracking prevention.

Enhanced Health App

The Health app now includes more detailed metrics and insights, particularly for mental health and wellness. Users can track their mood, manage stress, and access resources for mental health support.

Common iOS 17.5 Bugs

Despite the exciting new features, some users have reported various bugs and issues since updating to iOS 17.5. Here are the most common ones:

Battery Drain

Many users have noticed a significant drop in battery life after updating to iOS 17.5. This issue can be particularly frustrating, as it affects the overall usability of the device.

App Crashes

Some apps have become unstable and crash frequently on iOS 17.5. This issue seems to affect both native and third-party applications.

Wi-Fi Connectivity Problems

Several users have reported issues with Wi-Fi connectivity, including dropped connections and slow internet speeds.

Bluetooth Issues

Bluetooth connectivity problems have also been noted, with users experiencing difficulties pairing devices or maintaining stable connections.

Lag and Performance Issues

Some iPhones have exhibited lag and slower performance after the iOS 17.5 update, impacting the smoothness of everyday operations.

How to Fix iOS 17.5 Bugs

How to fix iOS 17.5 bugs

If you’re experiencing issues with iOS 17.5, here are some troubleshooting steps you can take:

Fixing Battery Drain

  • Check Battery Usage: Go to Settings > Battery to see which apps are consuming the most power. Consider disabling background activity for these apps.
  • Disable Background App Refresh: Turn off Background App Refresh in Settings > General to save battery life.
  • Reduce Screen Brightness: Lowering the screen brightness or enabling Auto-Brightness can help conserve battery.

Resolving App Crashes

  • Update Apps: Ensure all your apps are up-to-date, as developers often release updates to fix compatibility issues with new iOS versions.
  • Reinstall Problematic Apps: If a specific app continues to crash, try uninstalling and reinstalling it.
  • Restart Your Device: As easy as it sounds, a simple restart can resolve app crashes and other performance issues.

Addressing Wi-Fi Connectivity Problems

  • Restart Router: Power cycle your Wi-Fi router by turning it off for a few seconds and then back on.
  • Forget and Rejoin Network: Go to Settings > Wi-Fi, forget your network, and then reconnect to it.
  • Reset Network Settings: If problems persist, reset your network settings in Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.

Fixing Bluetooth Issues

  • Toggle Bluetooth Off and On: Sometimes, turning Bluetooth off and on can resolve connectivity issues.
  • Forget and Re-Pair Devices: Forget your Bluetooth device and pair it again through Settings > Bluetooth.
  • Update Device Firmware: Ensure your Bluetooth devices have the latest firmware updates installed.

Improving Performance and Reducing Lag

  • Free Up Storage: Go to Settings > General > iPhone Storage to see what’s taking up space and delete unnecessary files.
  • Disable Unnecessary Features: Turn off features you don’t use, like motion effects and unnecessary widgets.
  • Restart Your iPhone: A simple restart can often improve performance.

Performance Tips for iOS 17.5

To get the most out of iOS 17.5, consider these performance tips:

Manage Storage Efficiently

Keeping your iPhone’s storage in check is crucial for optimal performance. Regularly delete unused apps, old messages, and unnecessary photos.

Optimize Settings

Adjusting settings can have a big impact on performance. Turn off auto-downloads, reduce motion, and disable unnecessary notifications to keep your device running smoothly.

Regularly Update Software

Ensure your iPhone is always running the latest software. Apple frequently releases updates that include performance improvements and bug fixes.

Monitor Battery Health

Keep an eye on your battery health in Settings > Battery > Battery Health. If your battery’s maximum capacity is significantly reduced, consider getting it replaced.

Use Built-in Troubleshooting Tools

iOS includes several built-in troubleshooting tools. Use the diagnostic tools in Settings to identify and address issues that might be affecting performance.

iOS 17.5 brings a host of exciting features and improvements, but like any major software update, it also comes with its share of bugs and issues. By staying informed and following the troubleshooting tips provided, you can enjoy the best of what iOS 17.5 has to offer while minimizing any disruptions. Keep an eye out for future updates from Apple that will likely address many of these common problems. Stay tuned for more iOS tips and updates to make the most of your iPhone experience.


What are the new features in iOS 17.5?
iOS 17.5 includes enhanced widgets, improved Siri, a revamped Notification Center, new privacy features, and updates to the Health app.

How can I fix battery drain issues in iOS 17.5?
To fix battery drain issues, check battery usage, disable background app refresh, reduce screen brightness, and consider restarting your device.

Why are my apps crashing on iOS 17.5?
App crashes may occur due to compatibility issues. Ensure your apps are up-to-date, try reinstalling problematic apps, and restart your iPhone if necessary.

How do I fix Wi-Fi connectivity problems in iOS 17.5?
Restart your router, forget and rejoin your network, and if needed, reset network settings in your iPhone’s settings.

What should I do if my iPhone lags after updating to iOS 17.5?
Free up storage, disable unnecessary features, and restart your iPhone. Regularly updating software can also help improve performance.

Is it safe to install iOS 17.5 despite the bugs?
Yes, it is generally safe to install iOS 17.5. Apple continually works on fixes and updates to address any issues that arise.