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Marvel’s Spider-Man Mary Jane Model Calls Out Fans Unaccepted Behaviour

Marvel’s Spider-Man Mary Jane Model Calls Out Fans Unaccepted Behaviour

January 9, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

Stephanie Tyler Jones, the face behind the Mary Jane model in recent PlayStation Spider-Man games, has taken to Instagram to address concerning behaviour from some fans. Jones expressed her discomfort after a fan crossed boundaries, leaving multiple voicemails at her workplace, creating an unsettling environment for her.

Mary Jane Model Address Unacceptable Behavior and Stalking Concerns

insomniac games characters

Jones revealed in her Instagram message that a fan had gone beyond the realm of appreciation, leaving voicemails expressing a desire to speak with her and requesting a callback. This behaviour, as described by Jones, is not only unwarranted but also amounts to stalking. The model emphasized the severity of the situation, highlighting that she felt unsafe and uncomfortable upon arriving at work and hearing those voicemails.

Jones, appreciative of the love she has received for her portrayal of Mary Jane, clarified that she is no longer actively pursuing acting or modelling. She made it clear that her skincare page is not intended for Spider-Man or Mary Jane fans. In a plea to the community, she stated, “Please respect that I am a human being trying to make a living just like you, and I kindly ask for boundaries to not be crossed.”

The model firmly conveyed that messages would not be answered, and she would take measures to block individuals who made her feel uncomfortable. Additionally, she extended the option for followers to unfollow her if these boundaries were disappointing to them.

Stephanie Tyler Jones concluded her Instagram message by reiterating her plea for respect and understanding. She emphasized the need for fans to recognize her as a human being with boundaries, urging them to consider the impact of their actions on her sense of safety and well-being.

The Larger Issue of Harassment in the Gaming Industry

Jones’s experience is not an isolated incident, as highlighted by a GDC survey last year, which found that 91 per cent of game developers were concerned about harassment and toxicity from players. Almost half of the respondents reported personal experiences with such behaviour. The survey indicated a pervasive issue within the gaming community that needs addressing. One respondent from the survey emphasized the importance of setting boundaries publicly and called on the gaming community itself to assist in addressing these concerns. It was noted that large companies may fear losing toxic players, not realizing the impact these players have on the broader and more positive fanbase.

As the gaming industry grapples with issues of harassment and toxicity, instances like these serve as a stark reminder of the need for mutual respect between creators and fans. Stephanie Tyler Jones’ courage in speaking out sheds light on a broader issue that requires the collective effort of both individuals and the industry to address and rectify. In a world where the lines between virtual and reality often blur, understanding the importance of personal boundaries is crucial. Fans are urged to appreciate the work of their favourite artists and models while respecting the privacy and well-being of those who bring their beloved characters to life.