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New Discovery Showed The Most Cruel Thing You Can Do in Palworld

New Discovery Showed The Most Cruel Thing You Can Do in Palworld

January 20, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

Have you heard about Palworld? It’s this new survival game that’s like “Pokemon with guns,” and it’s blowing up the gaming world right now. But here’s the thing, as people start getting into the nitty-gritty of the game, they’ve discovered something pretty messed up: you can actually capture humans in Palworld. Like, seriously? It’s raising a whole bunch of practical and moral issues, making you wonder if it’s even cool to do that.

It’s Getting Darker in Palworld

So basically, Palworld is like Pokemon, where you can go around catching different creatures in a virtual world. But the thing is that in Palworld, you can put these creatures to work in your camp and even cook and eat them when they’re not useful anymore. But here’s where it gets creepy – players have discovered that they can also capture human characters.

Streamer Coney was among the first to stumble upon this revelation, a discovery that has been corroborated by IGN. The act of capturing humans doesn’t seem accidental; in fact, upon a successful capture, players are greeted with a message stating, “A captured human. On Palpargos Island, capturing humans in Palspheres is considered inhumane.”

The Unsettling Consequences

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Image credit: Pocketpair

So, like, in the game, you can totally catch humans, but it’s kinda messed up when you think about it. These humans you catch in Palworld can be made to do stuff like chores and fighting, just like the other captured creatures. But it gets even worse when you find out that you can actually sell these humans on the black market. It’s all pretty shady and makes you question the ethics of it all. Naturally, this discovery has sparked considerable controversy and backlash within the gaming community. The unsettling nature of capturing and selling humans in a virtual world has prompted questions about the boundaries of acceptable content in video games.

Besides the whole moral issue, let’s consider the practical side of things. Even though the game lets you capture and use humans in different ways, a player who looked into this found out that humans are actually not very good at anything other than basic camp work. This inefficiency adds a cool twist to the gameplay, making players think twice before getting involved in morally sketchy stuff.

With all these crazy new findings, the gaming peeps are really starting to think about the whole ethical thing of trapping and using humans in the virtual world of Palworld. It’s pretty messed up, man. It makes you wonder if game makers should be more careful about the ethical stuff when they create their games.

Seeking Answers from Pocketpair

In response to these disturbing findings, IGN has reached out to Palworld’s developer, Pocketpair, for comment on the controversial feature. It’s really important to understand why they thought it was a good idea to include this in the game, both for them and for the gaming community as a whole. while everyone’s just sitting around waiting for Pocketpair to say something, it makes you wonder about what game developers should really be responsible for when they’re making these virtual worlds. They gotta figure out how to balance letting players do whatever they want with making sure the game is still ethical and fun to play.