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The New Dragon’s Dogma 2 Update Enhances Your Gaming Experience

The New Dragon’s Dogma 2 Update Enhances Your Gaming Experience

March 30, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

There is a New Dragon’s Dogma 2 Update

Capcom’s action RPG, Dragon’s Dogma 2, has received its first update just one week after its March 22 launch. Among various features, Update 1.050 brings in a highly requested option: the ability to start a new game even if save data already exists.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Update: Breaking the Limitations

What is Dragonsplague in Dragon’s Dogma 2

The most significant change in Update 1.050 is the introduction of the “Start New Game” option. Previously, players were restricted to a single save slot that continuously updated, making it impossible to start fresh without losing progress. With this update, players can now initiate a new game, providing them with greater flexibility and freedom to explore different gameplay experiences.

Additional Enhancements

Apart from the start new game option, Update 1.050 also includes several other notable improvements:

Increased Customization

  • Players can now alter the number of “Art of Metamorphosis” items available at Pawn Guilds from 2 to 99. This enhancement allows for more extensive customization of characters, including the Arisen and the main pawn.

Visual Upgrades

  • PC users will benefit from improved visual quality with the implementation of DLSS Super Resolution.
  • Console players have the option to adjust the frame rate, toggling between variables and a maximum of 30 fps. Additionally, the update introduces the ability to enable or disable Ray Tracing.
  • Notably, console users can now disable Motion Blur, enhancing visual clarity and overall gameplay experience.

Update 1.050 marks a significant milestone for Dragon’s Dogma 2 players, addressing long-standing concerns and providing substantial quality-of-life improvements. With the addition of the start new game option and various enhancements, players can now delve deeper into the immersive world of Dragon’s Dogma 2 with greater ease and flexibility.