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Hogwarts Legacy Door Puzzle: How to Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle

Hogwarts Legacy Door Puzzle: How to Solve the Arithmancy Door Puzzle

August 6, 2023 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

Once you get sorted into your house in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll come across some weird doors with symbols and numbers on them. Of course, instinctively, you will try to open them – but they won’t budge with regular lockpicking spells, no matter how high you level them up. You’ll need to use your brain power to get through this, or just follow this guide to open the Arithmancy doors.

How to Open Arithmancy Doors

Arithmancy doors are math problems disguised as puzzles. You need to figure out which animal relates to which number, and then figure out what numbers go in the “?” spots on the two triangles on the door. Even with all that info, it’s not a piece of cake to solve! Here’s what you need to do:

hogwarts legacy arithmancy door animal list

Step 1: Interact with the Door to See the Interior Triangles

The first thing you need to do when facing an Arithmancy door is to interact with it and closely observe the interior triangles. These triangles contain the clues necessary to solve the puzzle.

Step 2: Add the Two Known Numbers of Each Triangle Together

On the interior triangles, you’ll find some numbers and some animals. Add the two known numbers of each triangle together. If you encounter an animal and not a number, use a cipher to convert it into a number.

Step 3: Subtract the Number Inside the Triangle from the Sum You Just Got

After obtaining the sum from Step 2, subtract the number inside the triangle from it. This will give you two new numbers.

Step 4: Find Which Animal Corresponds to the New Numbers

Now, you need to determine which animal corresponds to the two new numbers you obtained in Step 3. Look around the door frame for the animals and match them to the numbers.

Step 5: Locate the “?” and “??”

hogwarts legacy arithmancy door puzzles

Once you’ve identified the correct animals, locate the “?” and “??” symbols on the walls nearby. These symbols will help you finalize your solution.

Step 6: Interact with Each Symbol Until They Show the Correct Animal

Interact with each of the “?” and “??” symbols until they display the correct animal that corresponds to the numbers you found in Step 4.

Step 7: Open the Door and Claim the Loot Inside

After successfully following the previous steps and ensuring that both symbols display the correct animals, the door will finally open, granting you access to the loot inside. Congratulations!

Remember, these Arithmancy doors might be challenging, but with persistence and careful observation, you’ll be able to crack them open and reap the rewards that await you.

Solving the Arithmancy door puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy requires more than just magical abilities; it demands keen observation, logical thinking, and the ability to decipher cryptic clues. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently tackle any Arithmancy door puzzle you encounter during your adventures at Hogwarts. Embrace the challenge, unlock the doors, and discover the valuable treasures that lie behind them. Happy puzzling, young wizard!

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