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How to Easily Beat the Stone Vanguard in Black Myth: Wukong

How to Easily Beat the Stone Vanguard in Black Myth: Wukong

August 30, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola
Defeating the Stone Vanguard in Black Myth: Wukong is challenging but highly rewarding.

In Black Myth: Wukong, boss fights are the ultimate test of skill and strategy. Among the formidable foes you’ll encounter in Chapter 2 is the Stone Vanguard, a hulking Yaoguai King who guards one of the keys necessary to progress through the Yellow Wind Ridge. This guide will provide you with the essential strategies to take down the Stone Vanguard and claim the rewards that come with victory.

Where to Find the Stone Vanguard

Stone Vanguard in Black Myth
Image credit: IGN

The Stone Vanguard is a required boss fight in Chapter 2, located near the end of the Fright Cliff area. To reach it, you’ll need to journey through Sandgate Village, defeat the King of Flowing Sand and the Second Rat Prince, and then cross a bridge leading into the Fright Cliff region. As you reach Rockrest Flat, look for an archway on the left wall—this is where the Stone Vanguard and a secret boss (Shigandang) await​.

Understanding the Stone Vanguard’s Attack Patterns

The Stone Vanguard is a beast of pure stone, and its attacks reflect its elemental nature. The Stone Vanguard relies heavily on tremor attacks and massive shockwaves, making close combat a risky move. Here’s a breakdown of its key attack patterns:

  1. Leaping Strike and Slam Combo: The fight begins with a powerful leaping strike, where the Stone Vanguard slams one of its front arms into the ground. It often follows this with a double-arm slam, which sends shockwaves across the arena. The key here is to use Cloud Step to quickly dodge and reposition yourself to attack from the side.
  2. Exploding Arms and Rock Spikes: One of the Stone Vanguard’s most dangerous moves involves slamming its arms into the ground, causing them to glow before a delayed explosion. This attack is designed to bait you into a counter, only to catch you in the blast. To avoid this, hang back and use the Thrust Stance to unleash a charged hit from a safe distance. If you’re close, consider using the Pillar Stance to lift yourself above the tremors and follow up with a heavy attack.
  3. Ground Stabbing Frenzy: The Stone Vanguard will occasionally swing its arms out to the side before repeatedly stabbing the ground, creating a series of tremors that culminate in a ground-bursting blast. During this attack, it’s crucial to keep moving and dodging to avoid getting caught in the shockwaves​.
  4. Rock Guai Summon: In a unique twist, the Stone Vanguard can summon a horde of Rock Guai by tapping the ground with one arm. These minions will burrow up from the ground and launch themselves at you in rapid succession, exploding on impact. As the last two leaps, the Stone Vanguard will join in with a powerful attack, requiring precise timing to dodge​.
  5. Massive Shockwave Attack: Perhaps the most devastating move in the Stone Vanguard’s arsenal is when it lifts one arm and one leg before slamming down to create a massive shockwave. This attack covers a large portion of the arena, making it difficult to avoid. To counter this, use the Pillar Stance to elevate yourself, but be sure to do so away from his body to avoid the initial blast​.

Best Strategies for Defeating the Stone Vanguard

Stone Vanguard more fight
Image credit: IGN

Utilise Stances Wisely: Switching between the Thrust Stance and Pillar Stance is key to avoiding the Stone Vanguard’s attacks and finding opportunities to strike. The Thrust Stance allows you to attack from a distance, while the Pillar Stance helps you avoid ground-based attacks and deal with powerful hits from above.

Keep Moving: The Stone Vanguard’s attacks are slow but powerful. Constant movement is essential to avoid its tremors and shockwaves. Use Cloud Step to dodge and reposition yourself, always aiming to attack from the side or behind.

Consider Azure Dust Transformation: Transforming into the Rock Guai form using Azure Dust can be a game-changer in this fight. While in this form, you can absorb damage and build up Might. Once your Might bar is full, unleash the “Rockfall” attack to deal significant damage to the Stone Vanguard.

Manage Your Resources: This is an endurance battle, so managing your health and Gourd uses is crucial. Conserve your resources for when they’re most needed, especially during the latter stages of the fight when the Stone Vanguard’s attacks become more aggressive.

Rewards for Defeating the Stone Vanguard

Stone Vanguard boss fight
Image credit: IGN

Overcoming the Stone Vanguard is no small feat, and the rewards reflect the difficulty of the battle. Upon victory, you’ll receive:

  • Sterness of Stone: A key item required to progress through Chapter 2 and unlock the door to the main boss of the chapter.
  • Mind Core x1: A valuable resource used to upgrade your abilities.
  • Yaoguai Core x2: Essential materials for crafting powerful gear.
  • 1652 Experience and 1366 Will: These will help you level up and purchase necessary items as you continue your journey.

On final thoughts, the Stone Vanguard is a challenging but rewarding boss fight in Black Myth: Wukong. By understanding its attack patterns and utilising the right strategies, you can turn this rocky obstacle into a stepping stone on your path to victory. With patience, skill, and the right approach, you’ll emerge victorious and better equipped for the challenges that lie ahead in Chapter 2.

Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, mastering the Stone Vanguard fight is an essential part of progressing through Black Myth: Wukong—and with the right preparation, you can do it with style.