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Why Rushing Through Star Wars Outlaws Isn’t Worth It

Why Rushing Through Star Wars Outlaws Isn’t Worth It

September 1, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

In the world of gaming, especially with open-world titles, players often wonder how long it will take to finish a game. Star Wars Outlaws, the first open-world game in the Star Wars franchise, is no exception. While you might be able to speed through the main storyline in as little as 15-20 hours, doing so would mean missing out on much of what makes this game special. Here’s why taking your time with Star Wars Outlaws is worth every extra minute.

The Temptation to Rush

outlaws star wars
Screenshot credit: Kotaku/Ubisoft

With 21 chapters and a main campaign that can be completed in just 15-20 hours, it’s easy to see why some players might be tempted to rush through Star Wars Outlaws. If you’re focused solely on seeing the credits roll, this timeframe might sound appealing. However, in doing so, you’d be skipping over a galaxy teeming with life, lore, and side quests that add depth and richness to the game.

Star Wars Outlaws isn’t just about completing the main story; it’s about immersing yourself in the Star Wars universe. The game features five unique planets—Akiva, Cantonica, Kijimi, Tatooine, and Toshara—each offering different experiences and adventures. Rushing through the main campaign would mean missing out on the diverse landscapes, intriguing NPCs, and hidden secrets each planet has to offer​.

The Joy of Exploration

Star Wars Outlaws release date
Image credit: Ubisoft

One of the biggest reasons not to rush through Star Wars Outlaws is the sheer amount of content waiting to be discovered. The game is packed with treasures, lore, and secrets that can only be found by thoroughly exploring the planets. Whether it’s reaching maximum reputation with every faction, finishing every Expert quest, or discovering every planet area, there’s so much to see and do that it would be a shame to miss out on it all​.

For completionists, the game offers a wide array of trophies and achievements that will keep you busy long after the main story is finished. From finding all Nix Treasures to completing 40 contracts, the list of tasks is extensive. Engaging with these side activities can easily add another 20 hours to your playthrough, bringing the total time to a satisfying 40 hours or more.

Why Completion Matters

You might wonder why you should bother with all the extra content if the main story is the game’s primary focus. The answer lies in the experience itself. Star Wars Outlaws is designed to be more than just a linear narrative; it’s an adventure that encourages you to explore, interact, and engage with the world around you.

By taking your time, you’ll uncover stories and experiences that add context to the main plot, making your journey through the galaxy far more enriching. For example, achieving high scores in arcade games, participating in gambling, or completing specific combat challenges all contribute to a more immersive experience. The game’s design ensures that every activity, no matter how small, adds to your understanding of the universe and its characters​.

A Galaxy Without Missables

star wars outlaws
Image credit: Ubisoft

Another compelling reason to explore at your own pace is the game’s forgiving nature when it comes to missable content. Unlike many open-world games where certain items or achievements can be permanently missed, Star Wars Outlaws allows you to complete everything in a single playthrough. This means you can take your time, enjoy the story, and return to any missed content later without worrying about losing out on trophies or achievements.

In conclusion, Star Wars Outlaws is more than just a game you rush through; it’s an experience meant to be savoured. While it’s possible to reach the end credits in just 15-20 hours, doing so would mean missing out on the rich tapestry of stories, characters, and secrets that make this game truly special. By taking your time, exploring every corner of the galaxy, and engaging with the side content, you’ll not only prolong your enjoyment but also deepen your connection to the Star Wars universe.

So, immerse yourself in the adventure, explore the planets, complete the challenges, and enjoy everything Star Wars Outlaws has to offer. You’ll be glad you did!