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Taming the Beast: How to Defeat the Earth Wolf in Black Myth: Wukong

Taming the Beast: How to Defeat the Earth Wolf in Black Myth: Wukong

September 2, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

Black Myth: Wukong is a game filled with mystical creatures, and among the many optional minibosses you’ll encounter in Chapter 2, the Earth Wolf stands out as a particularly challenging foe. This Yaoguai Chief miniboss is not required to complete the game, but defeating it will reward you with the powerful Earth Wolf Spirit, making it a worthwhile challenge. Here’s a detailed guide on how to find, fight, and defeat the Earth Wolf, and why taking on this beast is worth your time.

Where to Find the Earth Wolf

boss fight earth wolf
Image credit: IGN

The Earth Wolf is located early in Chapter 2 of Black Myth: Wukong, within the Yellow Wind Ridge area. After entering the Sandgate Village and passing the Village Entrance Shrine, you’ll find the Earth Wolf hidden behind a large gate guarded by numerous archers. Since the gate is sealed, you’ll need to take the long way around to reach the boss.

To get there, take the path to the right of the sealed gate, battling through two Rat Captains while keeping the village shacks on your left. As you circle the area, you’ll find a pathway leading to an archway guarded by a Rat Archer and Rat Governor. The Earth Wolf awaits inside, ready to test your skills.

Understanding the Earth Wolf’s Attack Patterns

Image credit: IGN

The Earth Wolf is a strange and formidable creature with a set of unpredictable attack patterns that can catch players off guard. Understanding its moves is key to surviving the fight:

  1. Leaping Headbutt Attack: The Earth Wolf often starts the fight with a powerful leaping attack, using its head to ram into you as it rolls upon hitting the ground. To avoid this, wait until it’s about to crash down and then dodge to the side. Once it lands, move in and attack while it’s recovering.
  2. Short-Distance Pounce: This quick pounce is designed to catch you off guard, as the Earth Wolf attempts to land on top of you. If successful, you’ll be thrown into the air and take significant damage when you land on its spiky back. To avoid this, watch for both of its paws reaching out and be ready to dodge.
  3. Lunging Bite Attacks: The Earth Wolf can execute two lunging bite attacks in rapid succession, advancing with each bite to try and lock onto you. These attacks are fast, so keep your distance and be ready to dodge as it lunges forward.
  4. Shoulder Charge Dash: Another of its aggressive moves is a shoulder charge, where the Earth Wolf slides along the ground to tackle you. If you see the boss angle its head and raise an arm, it’s preparing for this dash. Your best bet is to dodge away and to the side, then counterattack once the charge is complete.
  5. Wild Swings and Belly Flop: The Earth Wolf will sometimes rise on its hind legs and slash at you with its front claws. If its wild swings cause it to crash forward and land belly up, this is your opportunity to strike. The exposed underbelly is unarmored, making it a perfect target for a powerful charged attack. Use the Immobilize spell to freeze it in place and deliver a heavy blow with the Smash or Pillar Style.
  6. Thrashing Recovery: After landing belly up, the Earth Wolf will thrash around in an attempt to damage you if you’re too close. Stay alert and ready to dodge away as it recovers, then continue your assault once it’s back on its feet.

Tips to Defeat the Earth Wolf

The Earth Wolf is a tough opponent, but with the right strategy, you can emerge victorious:

  • Utilize Immobilize: The Earth Wolf’s rushing attacks can be difficult to predict, but your Immobilize spell can help interrupt its movements, giving you time to plan your next move. Use this spell strategically to keep the Earth Wolf off-balance.
  • Focus on Counters: Many of the Earth Wolf’s attacks leave it vulnerable for a brief moment. Watch for these openings, especially after its headbutt leap and wild swings, and use charged attacks to maximize damage.
  • Take Advantage of Its Belly-Up Position: Whenever the Earth Wolf crashes forward and exposes its underbelly, go all-in with your most powerful attacks. This is the best time to deal significant damage and weaken the boss quickly.
  • Stay Mobile: The Earth Wolf’s lunging and charging attacks require quick reflexes and constant movement. Don’t stay in one place for too long, and always be ready to dodge to avoid taking heavy damage.

Claiming Your Reward: The Earth Wolf Spirit

Image credit: IGN

Once you’ve dealt enough damage, the Earth Wolf will fall, leaving behind its Spirit for you to claim. The Earth Wolf Spirit is a valuable addition to your arsenal, providing new abilities that can be used to enhance your combat strategies throughout the game​.

After defeating the Earth Wolf, take a moment to explore the arena. You’ll find additional resources like Jade Lotus in the pond and Aged Ginseng behind the houses, both of which can be used for crafting and upgrading your gear.

In conclusion, the Earth Wolf is one of the many optional challenges in Black Myth: Wukong that offers great rewards for those willing to take on the challenge. By understanding its attack patterns and using your abilities strategically, you can defeat this powerful Yaoguai Chief and gain a valuable Spirit to aid you in your journey. So gear up, stay sharp, and show the Earth Wolf who’s the true master of the Yellow Wind Ridge.