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Ark 2 Release Date, Platforms, Trailers, Gameplay, And More

Ark 2 Release Date, Platforms, Trailers, Gameplay, And More

December 10, 2023 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

In the wild world of survival games, where crafting meets chaos, only a handful manage to stand the test of time. Ark: Survival Evolved roared onto the scene fashionably late, boasting dinosaurs and an appetite for success. Now, the sequel, Ark 2, not only crashes the party but brings none other than Vin Diesel riding a T-Rex as its VIP guest. If the mental image of Diesel on a dino doesn’t hook you, fear not! We’ve got the lowdown on everything you need to know about this prehistoric extravaganza.

Ark 2 Gameplay

While Ark 2 gameplay details are rarer than a dodo, we’re promised a blend of survival, crafting, and Vin Diesel rocking some Souls-like combat. Picture this: locking on, dodging, combos, and Vin Diesel doing special moves! Plus, the game shifts between third-person and first-person, adding a dash of spice to your dino-fueled escapades. RPG elements include levelling up and a skill tree with various abilities, perks, and buffs. A new enemy faction, the Atarai, promises challenging encounters.

Release Date

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Picture this: announced in 2020, scheduled for 2022, delayed to 2023, and then delayed again until the grand finale of 2024 (I mean towards the end of 2024). Studio Wildcard insists it’s for the betterment of the game and the sanity of their team. Also, there’s the whole Ark: Survival Ascended thing, teasing content until 2025. This has stirred concerns among fans about the potential impact on Ark 2’s release. It’s like waiting for a T-Rex to hatch from an egg – unpredictable and potentially mind-blowing!


Ark 2 Trailer

The first trailer at the Game Awards 2020 was like a blockbuster movie. Vin Diesel as caveman Santiago Da Costa, battling cloaked beast-men, and, of course, a T-Rex crashing the party. Fast forward to 2022, a shorter trailer spills the beans about a war, prehistoric animals, and Santiago riding a dino like a Jurassic Uber. It’s like Vin Diesel meets the Flintstones meets a sci-fi thriller – a cinematic rollercoaster!


Ark 2 is not your average sequel – it’s dropping on console and PC simultaneously. But wait, there’s a plot twist! As indicated by Microsoft on their website (not literally tho), Xbox Series X/S gets an exclusive party invitation, leaving PlayStation 5 players peeking through the window for a while – probably for 3 months to a year (depending on the terms of the deal), yikes! The exclusivity saga keeps the suspense alive. Sorry, Xbox One and PS4, no dino action for you!


Ark3image1 edited
Image used with permission by the copyright holder

Ark 2 embraces full multiplayer functionality, but the details are scant. The nature of multiplayer mechanics from the first game and the capacity for players in the same world remain undisclosed. Cross-platform support for PC and Xbox is confirmed, with PlayStation potentially joining the dino bash later.

Possible DLC

Following in the footsteps of Ark: Survival Evolved, Ark 2 is poised for a dynamic post-launch journey. While not explicitly a live service game, the approach mirrors titles like Minecraft, inviting players to return for new zones, dinosaurs, and items. User-created mods, fostering new monsters, items, and mechanics, will be cross-platform, enhancing the game’s longevity and community engagement.


Hold on to your dino hats; pre-orders aren’t ready for the Ark 2 buffet just yet. PC users can add the game to their Steam wish list, and Game Pass subscribers get a golden ticket to the dino feast on day one. For the rest of us, keep those eyes peeled for the official pre-order invitation!

As we gear up for the dino-packed adventure of Ark 2, Vin Diesel, T-Rexes, and a wild mix of survival and sci-fi await. Late 2024 couldn’t come sooner – it’s not just a game release; it’s a dino-tastic journey through time, and we’re all just excited passengers eagerly waiting to ride the dino-wave with Vin Diesel at the helm! Get ready for the ultimate dino-licious ride, but will have to wait until late 2024!