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What is the Best Background to Choose In Starfield?

What is the Best Background to Choose In Starfield?

September 23, 2023 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

Hold up! Are you already gearing up for your cosmic journey in Starfield? You need to understand that one of the crucial decisions you’ll face is choosing the best background for your character. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In Starfield, your background impacts your Starfield experience from the very beginning. When you create your character during the “One Small Step” mission, you must choose a background. This decision shapes your starting skills and sets the tone for your adventure. The choices you make will influence your interactions, abilities, and story arcs throughout the game.

The Best Background to Choose in Starfield


In Starfield, your character’s background isn’t just cosmetic; it’s the foundation of your identity. Each Starfield background comes with a unique set of skills, reflecting your character’s past experiences. But who do you want to be in this vast universe?

  • Industrialist: Start with Security and Persuasion skills, ideal for those who want to avoid conflicts and negotiate their way through challenges.
  • Bounty Hunter: Begin with Piloting, Targeting Control Systems, and Boost Pack Training, perfect for aspiring space pirates and explorers.
  • Soldier: Armed with Fitness, Ballistics, and Boost Pack Training, you’re ready for combat and daring adventures.
  • Diplomat: Persuasion and Commerce skills make you a master of negotiation and trade. Every credit counts in the early game.
  • Cyber Runner: Specialize in Stealth and Theft, essential skills for covert operations and aligning with certain factions.

Starfield presents a vast and immersive universe to explore. Your background helps define your role in this cosmic landscape. Whether you’re a peaceful diplomat, a daring bounty hunter, or a cunning cyber runner, your background determines where you fit in the grand scheme of the Starfield universe.

Skills You Master in Starfield?

In Starfield, your background grants you three predetermined skills at the start of the game. These skills significantly impact your gameplay. But what do these skills offer, and how do they affect your journey?

  • Security: Unlock the art of picking locks and enhancing your security expertise.
  • Piloting: Gain the ability to manoeuvre ships and explore the cosmos with ease.
  • Fitness: Improve your physical prowess, granting more stamina and endurance.
  • Persuasion: Master the art of convincing others, and influencing dialogue options.
  • Ballistics: Enhance your combat abilities, increasing gun damage.
  • Boost Pack Training: Enjoy greater mobility and agility.
  • Commerce: Buy items for less and sell them for more, a valuable skill for resourceful players.
  • Theft: Acquire the ability to pickpocket and engage in covert activities.
  • Stealth: Become 25% harder to detect and gain a detection meter on your HUD, perfect for stealthy players.

Your background isn’t just a cosmetic choice; it’s a strategic decision. It impacts your gameplay, story, and the challenges you’ll face. The right background enhances your strengths and aligns with your preferred playstyle. Conversely, the wrong choice can make your journey more challenging.

Choosing the Perfect Background For Your Starfield Adventure

essential beginner tips for starfield

Selecting the ideal Starfield background is a crucial step in your cosmic journey. To make the best choice, follow these steps:

  • Identify Your Playstyle: Determine whether you prefer combat, negotiation, stealth, or exploration. Your playstyle should align with your background.
  • Analyze Skills: Examine the skills associated with each background. Choose skills that complement your preferred playstyle.
  • Consider the Narrative: Explore the narrative aspects tied to each background. A background with a compelling story can enhance your role-playing experience.
  • Evaluate Strengths: Assess the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen background. Make sure it aligns with your gameplay objectives.
  • Personalize Your Journey: Ultimately, the best background is the one that suits your desired playstyle and character concept. Choose skills that resonate with you and your vision for your character.
BackgroundSkill 1Skill 2Skill 3
Beast HunterFitnessBallisticsGastronomy
Bounty HunterPilotingTargeting control systemsBoost pack training
Combat MedicPistol certificationMedicineWellness
Cyber RunnerStealthSecurityTheft
GangsterShotgun certificationBoxingTheft
HomesteaderGeologySurveyingWeight lifting
IndustrialistPersuasionSecurityResearch methods
Long HaulerWeight liftingPilotingBallistic weapons systems
ProfessorAstrodynamicsGeologyResearch methods
SoldierFitnessBallisticsBoost pack training
Space ScoundrelPistol certificationPilotingPersuasion
[FILE NOT FOUND]WellnessBallisticsPiloting
Source: Polygon

Your Starfield background defines who you are, what you can do, and how you’ll experience the universe. So, as you prepare to take your first steps into the cosmos, remember that the universe is yours to explore, and your background choice is the first star in your constellation of choices. Make it shine!