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How to Defeat the Gore-Eye Daoist Fast in Black Myth: Wukong

How to Defeat the Gore-Eye Daoist Fast in Black Myth: Wukong

September 15, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

The Gore-Eye Daoist miniboss in Black Myth: Wukong is a challenging encounter that can be tough for players, especially if you’re trying to defeat him quickly and efficiently. But don’t worry—there are some quick strategies you can use to make this boss fight easier, faster, and less painful.

In this guide, I’ll break down the best approach, highlight key moments during the battle, and offer practical tips for a quick takedown. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, you’ll find everything you need to defeat the Gore-Eye Daoist without too much trouble.

Who is the Gore-Eye Daoist?

door to the boss
Image derived from IGN

The Gore-Eye Daoist is an optional miniboss in Chapter 2 of Black Myth: Wukong. You’ll find him hidden behind sealed stone gates in the Yellow Wind Formation. While he may be an optional boss, defeating him is rewarding, offering players the chance to absorb his unique spirit and a valuable item to upgrade their gourd.

He’s located behind a large stone door in the same area where you can battle the King of Flowing Sands and the Second Rat Prince. To unlock this door, you’ll need two key items: the Sternness of Stone from the Stone Vanguard Boss and the Keenness of Tiger from the Tiger Vanguard Boss. Once you have both, interact with the Tally in front of the door to open it. After crossing the bridge, you’ll reach the Windseal Gate, where the Gore-Eye Daoist awaits.

The Daoist is unlike most bosses you’ll face—he’s more of a blood sorcerer than a melee fighter. His abilities revolve around creating dangerous blood pools that not only harm but poison you if you step into them. His health regeneration mechanic can also prolong the battle, but there are ways to prevent this and make the fight quicker.

Preparing for the Fight

Before engaging the Gore-Eye Daoist, make sure you’re well-prepared. Stock up on Antimiasma Pills, which will be critical in countering the poison effects caused by the Daoist’s blood pools. Also, ensure that you have a Spirit equipped that can interrupt his health regeneration phase.

Best Strategy for the Gore-Eye Daoist Boss Fight

daoist blood pool
Image derived from IGN

1. Dodge Early and Dodge Often

The fight begins with the Gore-Eye Daoist slamming his staff into the ground, creating pools of blood that explode all around him. As soon as you see him lift his staff, be prepared to dodge away. If you get caught in the blast, you’ll be poisoned instantly, so quick reflexes are crucial.

Pro tip: Dodge diagonally towards him. This manoeuvre not only helps you avoid his initial blood splash but also puts you in a better position to land a hit.

2. Stay Aggressive but Controlled

Despite his blood magic and poison abilities, the Gore-Eye Daoist’s melee attacks are relatively weak. His staff swings can be dodged easily, so staying close can give you the upper hand. His reliance on spells means he’ll often try to distance himself from you—don’t let him. Keep pressure on him by closing the distance and forcing him into melee combat where his attacks are less threatening.

Pro tip: When you’re up close, keep your guard up for his blood spray attack. Dodge sideways or jump back to avoid the arc of blood and use the opportunity to land a heavy counter-attack.

3. Dealing with Blood Pools

The Daoist’s most dangerous ability is his ability to create blood pools across the arena. These pools remain for most of the fight and are lethal if you accidentally step into one. His attacks will frequently expand these pools, so you’ll need to manage the fight space carefully.

Best tactic: Lure him away from the pools by positioning yourself near the edges of the arena. Draw him into a tighter space, which limits his ability to spread more blood and traps him in his own confined area.

4. How to Avoid His Health Regeneration

One of the most frustrating aspects of this fight is the Gore-Eye Daoist’s ability to regenerate health. If you don’t interrupt his healing phase, the battle will drag on for much longer. Here’s how to stop it.

  • When he hunches over and starts to chant, look for red lines extending from the blood pools to his back. This is your signal that he’s preparing to regenerate health by absorbing the blood pools.
  • Interrupt him immediately using a strong Spirit ability or a staggering heavy attack. This will halt the health regen process, keeping the fight short and sweet. If you don’t have a Spirit that can stagger him, quickly close the gap and perform a heavy thrust attack.

Key Beginner Tips: Defeating the Gore-Eye Daoist Without Taking Damage

blood pool
Image derived from IGN
  1. Anticipate the Blood Spells: Most of his blood spells are telegraphed, meaning you can see them coming. Watch his staff movements closely—if he starts swinging it around, get ready to dodge.
  2. Use Range to Your Advantage: While staying close is a good strategy, don’t hesitate to back off and use ranged attacks when he starts casting spells. This is especially useful if you’re trying to avoid damage.
  3. Jump to Evade Poison Pools: Some of the Gore-Eye Daoist’s blood pools are wide and difficult to dodge on foot. In these cases, using a jump or double jump can help you clear the area without stepping into the poison.

Best Spells and Abilities for the Gore-Eye Daoist Fight

  • Immobilize: This is by far one of the most useful abilities in this fight. It allows you to stop the Gore-Eye Daoist in his tracks, making it easier to avoid damage and land critical hits.
  • Thrust Stance Heavy Attack: Whenever the Daoist finishes a spell or is stuck in recovery from his staff swings, use the thrust stance to land a heavy hit. This deals significant damage and can stagger him.
  • Aerial Slam: If you can time your jump right, an aerial slam attack from above can deal significant damage and potentially stagger the Daoist. Use this when you see him casting a blood spell.

Final Phase: Taking Him Down

cornered gore eye
Image derived from IGN

In the final phase of the battle, the Gore-Eye Daoist becomes more aggressive with his blood spells, but his melee attacks remain weak. This is where you need to double down on your aggressive strategy.

  • Box him in: Try to corner him against a wall. This restricts his movement and limits how many blood pools he can spread around the arena. Once cornered, he becomes much easier to predict and defeat.
  • Heavy Attacks: Focus on chaining heavy attacks to stagger him and prevent him from regenerating his health. Once he’s staggered, keep the pressure up to finish the fight quickly.

Defeat the Gore-Eye Daoist Fast

While the Gore-Eye Daoist may seem intimidating with his poison pools and regeneration, he’s actually quite manageable once you understand his patterns. Stay mobile, keep the pressure on him, and make sure to interrupt his healing phase. With these strategies in hand, you’ll defeat the Gore-Eye Daoist quickly and without too much trouble. Defeating him rewards you with the Gore-Eye Daoist Spirit to absorb, along with the second Luojia Fragrant Vine in this chapter, which you can use to upgrade your gourd once more.

Now, go out there and show him how it’s done!