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Fallout London Delayed Due To Fallout 4 Update

Fallout London Delayed Due To Fallout 4 Update

April 16, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

Why Fallout London is Getting Delayed, Plus Fallout 4 Update.

Team FOLON, the indie studio behind the highly anticipated Fallout London mod, recently announced that the mod has been delayed due to the Fallout 4 current-gen update. Originally planned for release on April 23 to coincide with St. George’s Day in England, the team faced a setback with the scheduled significant update to Fallout 4 on April 25. Dean Carter, the project lead, expressed the team’s prior commitment to ensuring stability and quality but acknowledged that the impending update necessitated further adjustments. This unforeseen challenge has led to an indefinite delay in the mod’s release, as the volunteer team works diligently to adapt to the evolving circumstances.

Fallout 4 update: Impact on Release Date and Development

The reason for the delay in the release of Fallout London is due to the team’s focus on ensuring a high-quality product despite unforeseen changes in the Fallout 4 ecosystem. Although the team is dedicated to the project, the lack of a set timeline highlights the challenges of volunteer-driven development. Despite this setback, the team sees the Fallout 4 update as a chance to improve the mod’s technical features and address current issues. Carter emphasized the team’s determination to use the update to enhance performance and make quality-of-life changes, showing their strong commitment to the project’s success.

Challenges in Console Compatibility

Although the Fallout 4 update brings many advantages, Team FOLON is encountering difficulties in making the mod suitable for release on consoles. The mod’s large size, estimated at 30 to 40 gigabytes, makes it incompatible with Xbox systems. Carter openly acknowledged this issue, explaining that technical limitations prevent the mod from being available on consoles. While PC players will still be able to access Fallout London through platforms like GOG and Steam, the lack of console compatibility highlights the challenges of balancing ambition with practicality in mod development.

Distribution Platforms and Accessibility

Given the large size of the mod, Team FOLON faces a significant challenge in distributing it. The mod is too big for Nexus Mods, a well-known hub for PC players. However, the team has partnered with GOG and Steam to make it easier for PC players to access. There are also talks about making it available on the Epic Games Store, showing the team’s proactive efforts to reach more players. Despite the challenges, Team FOLON is dedicated to making sure the mod is widely available and works smoothly on different platforms.

About Fallout London

Fallout London takes players to a post-apocalyptic version of London, set 50 years before Fallout 4. With a focus on realism and melee combat, the mod allows players to explore a devastated London filled with iconic landmarks. From Big Ben to the Tower of London, the game offers a detailed world with a rich narrative and immersive gameplay. Fans eagerly await the release of Fallout London for a memorable experience in a familiar yet revamped setting.

In summary, the postponement of Fallout London highlights the difficulties that come with developing mods in a constantly changing gaming environment. Despite facing obstacles, Team FOLON’s consistent dedication and ability to adapt show their determination to provide an outstanding gaming experience. Fans are eagerly anticipating the mod’s launch, and the changing partnerships and technological advancements suggest a bright future for Fallout London and the modding community as a whole.


Why was Fallout London delayed?

Fallout London was delayed due to the Fallout 4 current-gen update, which necessitated additional adjustments to ensure compatibility and stability.

Will Fallout London be available on consoles?

Unfortunately, Fallout London’s size renders it incompatible with Xbox systems, precluding its release on consoles. However, PC players will have access via platforms such as GOG and Steam.

What sets Fallout London apart from other mods?

Fallout London stands out for its careful focus on detail, commitment to realism, and immersive depiction of a post-apocalyptic version of London. With famous landmarks and innovative gameplay features, the mod provides a distinct and engaging experience for gamers.