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Horizon: Forbidden West Is Leaving PlayStation Plus – Here’s What You Need to Know

Horizon: Forbidden West Is Leaving PlayStation Plus – Here’s What You Need to Know

August 22, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

Sony is making some unexpected changes to its PlayStation Plus Games Catalog, and one of the most notable shifts is the impending removal of Horizon: Forbidden West. Despite being one of Sony’s flagship titles and developed by its first-party studio, Guerrilla Games, this critically acclaimed open-world adventure will soon no longer be available through the subscription service. Let’s break down why this decision is significant, what it could mean for the future, and how you can make the most of this situation before the game disappears.

What’s Happening and When?

Last chance to play
Image credit: IGN/PlayStation

Sony recently listed Horizon: Forbidden West among 12 titles in the “Last Chance to Play” section of the PlayStation Plus Games Catalog. This means that the game will soon be removed from the service, though the exact date hasn’t been announced yet. Alongside Horizon: Forbidden West, other notable titles like Marvel’s Midnight Suns, Alien Isolation, and NieR Replicant are also on the chopping block.

For many, this move is surprising—Horizon: Forbidden West isn’t just any game; it’s a major first-party title that Sony fully owns. Normally, games cycle in and out of subscription services like PlayStation Plus and Xbox Game Pass as third-party licensing agreements expire. But Horizon: Forbidden West is different because Sony doesn’t have to pay a third party to keep it available. So, why remove it?

Possible Reasons Behind the Removal

A few theories are floating around about why Sony is pulling Horizon: Forbidden West from PlayStation Plus, and one of the most compelling is tied to Sony’s recent trend of remastering and re-releasing older titles. Earlier this year, Horizon: Zero Dawn was similarly removed from the PlayStation Plus Catalog amid rumours of a potential remaster.

Given Sony’s focus on remasters and remakes—such as The Last of Us Part 1 and the upcoming The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered—it wouldn’t be surprising if the company is planning a remastered version of Horizon: Zero Dawn, possibly bundled with or followed by an upgraded edition of Horizon: Forbidden West. By removing these games from the subscription service, Sony could be setting the stage for these remastered versions, encouraging fans to purchase the new releases rather than relying on the subscription to play them.

What This Means for PlayStation Plus Subscribers

Horizon Forbidden West
Image credit: PlayStation

For PlayStation Plus subscribers, this development serves as a reminder that the Catalog is always subject to change. If you’ve been meaning to dive into Horizon: Forbidden West but haven’t yet, now is the time to do it. Once it’s gone, the only way to play it will be by purchasing the game outright, either digitally or physically.

This move also highlights a broader trend in the gaming industry: subscription services are great for accessibility and variety, but they don’t offer the permanence that comes with owning a game. As more high-profile titles are added and removed from these services, gamers will need to be more strategic about how they consume content—especially if they want to avoid paying for games twice.

The Future of PlayStation Plus and Sony’s Strategy

Sony’s decision to remove Horizon: Forbidden West from PlayStation Plus could be indicative of a larger shift in strategy. As the company continues to remaster older titles and focus on high-quality PS5 exclusives, it may begin to curate the PlayStation Plus Catalog more selectively. This could mean that we’ll see fewer first-party titles available on the service, at least for extended periods, as Sony seeks to maximize sales of its biggest games.

Additionally, this move could be part of a broader effort to maintain the perceived value of PlayStation Plus. By rotating high-profile games in and out, Sony keeps the service fresh and ensures that subscribers are always getting something new. However, it also creates a sense of urgency, encouraging players to engage with certain titles before they disappear.

How to Make the Most of It

aloy horizon forbiden west
Image credit: IGN/PlayStation

If you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber, here’s how you can make the most of this situation:

  1. Play It Before It’s Gone: If you haven’t played Horizon: Forbidden West yet, make it a priority on your games list. The game is showered with stunning visuals, engaging combat, and an expansive open world. IGN’s review called it “a triumphant combination of enthralling combat, top-tier creature and character design, and a captivating open world”​.
  2. Consider Purchasing: If you’ve already started the game and don’t think you’ll finish it before it’s removed, consider buying it. Keep an eye out for sales or discounts, especially as the removal date approaches.
  3. Stay Informed: Pay attention to PlayStation’s announcements regarding the Catalog. Being aware of what’s coming and going will help you plan your gaming time more effectively.

In summary, the removal of Horizon: Forbidden West from PlayStation Plus is surprising but not without precedent. It reflects Sony’s ongoing strategy of remastering older titles and could be a sign of how the company plans to handle its Catalog moving forward. For subscribers, it’s a reminder to stay on top of the ever-changing lineup and to seize the opportunity to experience this acclaimed game before it’s gone.