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How to Find and Beat Zoe and Grizzbolt in Palworld

How to Find and Beat Zoe and Grizzbolt in Palworld

January 25, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

Zoe and Grizzbolt, The Rayne Syndicate Tower Boss

So, I started my adventure in Palworld, this awesome place full of cool Pals and exciting quests. And guess what? I came across this super tough boss at the Rayne Syndicate Tower. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! I’ve put together a kickass guide that reveals where to find this boss, what it’s weak against, and the ultimate winning strategy. Let’s conquer this bad boy and finish our tutorial in style!

Rayne Syndicate Tower Boss Weakness

Zoe and Grizzbolt, a powerful pair known for their Electric-type abilities, can be susceptible to Ground-type moves in Palworld. By equipping your Pal with Ground-type skills or bringing one that has such moves, you will be able to take advantage of this weakness. However, a more effective approach is to utilize the Daedream Pals.

Where to Find the Rayne Syndicate Tower Boss

Tower map

The leader of the Rayne Syndicate Tower can be found in the northwest of the Plateau of Beginnings starting area. By following coordinates 118, -425, I came across the Grassy Behemoth Hills fast travel point. Progressing along the main path past two large circular areas, I eventually came across the entrance to the Rayne Syndicate Tower, situated on a small hill. It is important to act swiftly, as you only have 10 minutes to confront the impending challenge within.

How to Beat the Rayne Syndicate Tower Boss

Preparation is Key!
Before stepping into the arena, ensure you equip the following gear:

  • Common Shield (Level 5)
  • Daedream’s Necklace (Level 8)
  • Feathered Hair Band (Level 9)
  • Three Shot Bow (Level 10)
  • Pelt Armor (Level 12)

Additionally, I stock up more than 200 arrows for added firepower. Moreover, the Daedream’s Necklace is a weapon you want to make sure is present in your arsenal. It will allow your Daedream Pals to join the fight seamlessly (meaning, without the need to manually take them out of their Spheres). You can use Gunmoss because of its effective Ground-type attacks, although Hoocrates is another viable option as it enhances the Dark-type attacks of your Daedreams.

Strategy for Success against Zoe and Grizzbolt in Palworld

cruel things in palworld

Follow these steps to ensure victory:

  1. Have at least one Daedream in my party: The more, the merrier.
  2. Enter the boss arena and deploy my Pal with Ground-type moves: Hoocrates or a similar Pal is an excellent choice for this confrontation.
  3. Command my Pal to attack aggressively: Command the full force of your team on the Zoe and Grizzbolt.
  4. Continuously fire my Three Shot Bow: This triggers automatic follow-up attacks from your Daedreams.
  5. Be vigilant: Dodge attacks using the dodge button or take cover behind pillars when necessary.
  6. Repeat until victory is achieved: With the right equipment and strategy, Zoe and Grizzbolt will fall within the 10-minute timeframe.

Rewards and Beyond

As Zoe and Grizzbolt are the first bosses I first encountered, I gained five Ancient Technology Points and access to a fast travel point at the tower’s summit, which grants me a regular technology point. Having completed the tutorial stage, you will now be able to freely explore the world of Palworld without being confined to the tutorial box.