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Addressing Frame Rate Issues in Dragon’s Dogma 2 on PC

Addressing Frame Rate Issues in Dragon’s Dogma 2 on PC

March 24, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

The release of Dragon’s Dogma 2 by Capcom, which was eagerly awaited, has encountered a problem on PC for users experiencing frame rate issues. Even if they meet the game’s requirements, players may find that the performance is not up to par. The main issue seems to be high CPU usage.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 on PC: Root Cause Analysis

Dragon's Dogma 2

Capcom has acknowledged the issue in response to feedback and assured players that they are actively working on resolving the performance issues. This acknowledgement has come before the official release of the game, demonstrating the developer’s dedication to addressing player concerns promptly. Reports indicate that the primary problem is with how CPU resources are distributed in the game. Specifically, a large portion of CPU usage is assigned to each character, especially when multiple characters are on screen at once. This distribution can result in sudden drops in frame rate, ultimately impacting the overall gaming experience.

Temporary Solutions

Image credit: Dragon’s Dogma 2 Official

While Capcom works on a permanent fix, players can mitigate the issue by adjusting graphical settings to reduce GPU load. However, this solution offers only limited relief. The community has also begun brainstorming strategies, such as identifying non-essential NPCs to eliminate, to alleviate CPU strain temporarily. Capcom has assured players that performance improvements are on the horizon, although no specific timeline has been provided. The commitment to addressing these issues reflects the developer’s dedication to delivering an optimal gaming experience for all players, regardless of platform.

To sum it all up – while Dragon’s Dogma 2 promises an immersive gaming experience, PC users may encounter performance challenges due to frame rate issues. However, with Capcom’s acknowledgement and ongoing efforts to resolve these issues, players can expect improvements in the near future, ensuring a smoother and more enjoyable gameplay experience.