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What is Dragonsplague in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and How to Avoid It

What is Dragonsplague in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and How to Avoid It

March 27, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

What is Dragonsplague?

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is a scary place, full of danger. But the worst thing you gotta watch out for is Dragonsplague. This guide will tell you all about it – what it does, how it messes you up, and how you can try to avoid it. Get ready for a wild ride through the world of Dragonsplague!

Dragon’s Dogma 2 – What is Dragonsplague?

Dragonsplague is a nasty sickness that only affects pawns in Dragon’s Dogma 2. It doesn’t matter if it was created by players or Capcom, any pawn can get hit with it. When you come across Dragonsplague for the first time, you’ll get a quick heads up about how contagious it is and the big, bad disaster it could bring. Basically, it’s like a warning sign that something really bad is about to go down.

Image credit: Gamespot

How Do You Know if a Pawn Has Dragonsplague?

It’s super important to spot pawns infected with Dragonsplague, but it’s not easy. Even though they don’t act any different, there are some sneaky signs that give it away.

  • Red Eyes: Infected pawns exhibit eerie red eyes, distinct from standard character creation.
  • Ailments: Pawns may display symptoms such as coughing, spitting, or migraines during idle moments.
  • Inconsistent Responses: Infected pawns may occasionally fail to follow commands, particularly the “Wait” directive.

Mind you, not all pawns are infected. Some pawns just have red eyes as a design choice, not because of Dragonsplague. It’s important to figure out if it’s on purpose or a real problem to prevent a disaster.

Can You Cure Dragonsplague?

Dragon's Dogma 2 on PC

Traditional cures don’t work on Dragonsplague, but you can always at least try some smart moves to stop it from spreading.

  • Dismissal: Swiftly dismissing infected pawns upon recruitment may prevent further contamination within your retinue.
  • Forfeiture: Allowing infected pawns to perish, without revival, is a grim but necessary measure to halt the plague’s advance.
  • Infection Spreading: Strategically allowing an infected pawn to pass Dragonsplague to another can circumvent its progression.

If you don’t deal with Dragonsplague, things are gonna go real bad. You’ll see a scary cutscene when you rest at an inn or your place. The infected pawns will turn evil and cause a lot of destruction, even hurting NPCs.

Can You Still Revive Everyone?

Getting over the aftermath of Dragonsplague is tough, but it can be done. There are a few ways to help ease the harsh effects it has.

  • Vigilance Before Resting: Thoroughly inspecting pawns for symptoms before resting can preempt the calamity.
  • Backup Saves: Keeping backup copies of your files gives you a way to recover in case something really bad happens. It helps you get back on track easier.
  • Eternal Wakestone: Getting the Eternal Wakestone from the Sphinx shrines lets you bring a bunch of people back to life, but it’s gonna cost you.

Getting through Dragonsplague in Dragon’s Dogma 2 is tough, but if you stay sharp, plan ahead, and act quickly, you can avoid getting caught up in that nasty disease. Hopefully, your adventure is full of victories and you keep everything important safe.