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Shang – Chi: What Each Of The Ten Rings Really Mean

Shang – Chi: What Each Of The Ten Rings Really Mean

September 17, 2021 Off By TheDashDouble

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has yet to introduce another set of iconic artefacts that comic fans are likely to recognize. These artefacts are the latest entry in the MCU’s Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. The weapons in question are, of course, the film’s titular Ten Rings worn by Shang-Chi’s father Xu Wenwu on his arms in the movie. Wenwu’s trademark rings identify him as the MCU’s real version of the Mandarin, the villain who appeared in Iron Man 3 and was played by Ben Kingsley, only to be discovered as a phoney.


The rings are the Mandarin’s source of his superhuman abilities in both the comics and the MCU, providing him with the power he needs to carve out his criminal empire. The Ten Rings have been totally redesigned for the MCU and bore little similarity to their comic book predecessors. In the Marvel Comics Universe, the Mandarin wears 10 rings, one on each finger, each with its own distinct look. More significantly, each of the ten rings has its own unique power, as well as a name that represents its specific ability. Wenwu’s rings, on the other hand, resemble wide bands wrapped around the arms, comparable to the iron rings used for training in various Shaolin Kung Fu schools such as Hung Gar.

Shang Chi Mandarins Rings

Shang-Chi: The Meaning and Powers Of The Mandarin’s Ten Rings

The Mandarin has one of the most varied power sets of any villain in Marvel Comics history, yet few authors care to harness the abilities of his rings to their full extent, presumably because he’d be extremely impossible to defeat if they did. On his left hand, the Daimonic ring can manipulate electromagnetic energy which is typically utilized to generate dazzling light flashes or holograms. The Liar has the ability to manipulate minds and create illusions, while Incandescence produces fire blasts. Lightning shoots lightning bolts, and Zero controls ice. On his right hand, The Remaker ring is the first, and it has the ability to transform and rearrange matter. The Influence ring shoots concussive energy blasts, followed by the Spin ring which manipulates air to strike opponents or allow for levitation. The Spectral ring shoots a disintegration beam capable of destroying any material, but it takes 20 minutes to replenish. The Nightbringer casts a “Darklight” around Mandarin, completely darkening the area.

Ring powers

Wenwu’s Rings Abilities Are Different From The Comic Mandarin’s Rings

Unlike the Mandarin’s rings in the comics, Wenwu’s rings have a whole new set of abilities. Instead of each ring having a distinct ability, Wenwu’s rings all have the same abilities. The MCU rings are simple energy weapons rather than being able to control a vast range of elements. Wenwu can utilize them to shoot energy blasts and force fields, and he can even fire them as high-powered missiles separately. It is also stated that the rings offer the bearer immortality, allowing Wenwu to live for centuries. Wenwu’s rings are also lethal physical weapons, capable of far more than simply firing beams from afar. 

Wenwu uses the rings’ energy projection qualities to improve his own martial arts skills, increasing the power of his fists by releasing energy blasts at the moment of impact. Wenwu demonstrates in his last confrontation with Shang-Chi that this technique becomes even more effective when used with many rings at the same time. While Wenwu cannot levitate like in the comic book Mandarin, he does utilize a variation of this ability to lift himself off the ground and soar high into the sky. 

Furthermore, Wenwu’s rings can form a tether of energy that links them, allowing him to connect the rings into a pair of devastating whips – this ability demonstrates not just the rings’ immense power, but also Wenwu’s resourcefulness in harnessing it. It’s unknown what the Ten Rings will do next in the MCU, but if the film’s post-credits scene is any indicator, there are many more mysteries surrounding them to explore.

Source: gamerant