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How Long to Beat Spider-Man 2?

How Long to Beat Spider-Man 2?

October 8, 2023 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

Sony’s first-party games have always been known for combining great stories with awesome gameplay. Spider-Man 2, the highly anticipated sequel, is no different. You get to play as both Peter Parker and Miles Morales as they take on new foes in New York City. Whether you’re a casual gamer or someone who wants to get every trophy, Spider-Man 2 has something for you. But the big question is, “How long does it take to beat Spider-Man 2?” We’ll break it all down in this guide, including estimated playtime, trophy hunting, and tips to make the most of your experience.

How Long To Beat Spider-Man 2?

Spider-Man 2 is poised to provide players with an immersive gaming experience, encompassing the main storyline and a plethora of side activities. According to preliminary estimations and leaks, a typical playthrough of the main campaign, including some engagement with collectables and side content, should take around 17 hours on average. This duration offers a satisfying narrative experience for those looking to follow the core storyline while occasionally exploring the open world.

However, for those dedicated completionists and explorers, Spider-Man 2 has much more to offer. With an expansive trophy list akin to its predecessor, expect to invest a substantial amount of time. Leaks suggest that achieving a 100% completion rate, which entails finishing all districts, side-quests, and open-world activities, might take approximately 25 to 30 hours. This ambitious endeavour will also require you to acquire all of Spider-Man’s suit tech upgrades, and gadget upgrades, and reach the maximum level, ensuring no stone is left unturned in the vast playground of New York City.

It’s essential to note that these estimates are based on preliminary information and rumours. We can only confirm these figures once the game is officially released and thoroughly tested by gamers and reviewers.

Trophy Hunting

how long to beat spider-man 2 game

If you’re into the thrill of collecting trophies, Spider-Man 2 promises to offer the drive! There will be tons of challenges and objectives to complete, from mastering combat to exploring the open world.

To embark on your trophy hunting adventure, be prepared to:

  • Engage in Side-Quests: Spider-Man 2’s rich storytelling extends beyond the main campaign, with side-quests that provide additional depth to the narrative. Completing these quests is essential for achieving a 100% completion rate.
  • Exploration: New York City is brimming with hidden secrets and activities. Explore every nook and cranny to uncover collectables, unique encounters, and open-world activities.
  • Upgrade Spider-Man: Investing in suit tech upgrades and gadgets is not only essential for gameplay but also for achieving maximum completion. Ensure you gather resources and currency for these upgrades.
  • Maximize Level: Progress through the game to reach the highest level possible. This will grant you access to advanced abilities and further enhance your gameplay experience.

As we eagerly await the game’s official release, it’s crucial to approach these estimations with a grain of salt. The true extent of Spider-Man 2’s content and challenges will be unveiled upon its launch. Until then, gear up for an epic adventure swinging through the streets of New York as Spider-Men!