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How to Defeat the Mother of Stones in Black Myth: Wukong

How to Defeat the Mother of Stones in Black Myth: Wukong

August 31, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola
The Mother of Stones in Black Myth: Wukong might seem easy but packs a punch that requires a strategy to overcome.

In Black Myth: Wukong, players are no strangers to intense and challenging boss battles. Among the optional foes that you can encounter in Chapter 2 is the Mother of Stones, a Yaoguai Chief miniboss with a unique twist. Unlike most bosses, the Mother of Stones doesn’t actively fight back, making this battle more about endurance and strategy than raw combat power. Here’s a comprehensive guide to finding and defeating the Mother of Stones, as well as the rewards that await you.

Finding the Mother of Stones

The Mother of Stones can be found in the Fright Cliff area, accessible after defeating the King of Flowing Sands and his Second Rat Prince. Once you’ve crossed the rope bridge into Fright Cliff, head past the Squall Hideout Shrine and keep to the left. You’ll soon enter a large cave area where the Mother of Stones resides.

The boss itself is a massive, crystal-embedded statue that remains unresponsive and stationary throughout the fight. However, don’t be fooled by its stillness—this battle is anything but simple.

The Boss Fight: Surviving the Palestones

mother of stones boss fight
Image credit: IGN

The Mother of Stones doesn’t attack you directly, but she does summon waves of Palestones—stone monsters embedded in the ground and walls around the cave. These enemies will be your main challenge, as they come in increasing numbers and can quickly overwhelm you if you’re not careful.

  1. First Wave: After dealing some damage to the Mother of Stones, she will let out a roar, signalling the appearance of the first Palestone. These creatures are formidable and can deal significant damage with both melee and ranged quartz missile attacks. Your goal here is to defeat the Palestone quickly while avoiding its attacks​.
  2. Second Wave: The second wave is similar to the first, with another single Palestone appearing to defend the Mother of Stones. This wave should be manageable if you stay focused and continue using your dodge and counter techniques.
  3. Third Wave: This is where the challenge ramps up. The third wave consists of two Palestones attacking simultaneously. If they manage to coordinate their attacks, things can get chaotic quickly. It’s essential to deflect their ranged attacks and avoid their body slams, all while trying to separate them to deal with them one at a time​.
  4. Final Wave: The final wave also features two Palestones, bringing the total to six throughout the fight. At this stage, use everything in your arsenal—Spirit attacks, stored Focus Points, and your Transformation Spell—to take them down as efficiently as possible. The key is to prevent being overwhelmed by their combined attacks.

Throughout the battle, make sure to back off and heal when necessary, especially when you’re dealing with multiple Palestones at once. Once all six Palestones are defeated, the Mother of Stones is defenceless and can be easily destroyed to claim your reward.

Rewards for Defeating the Mother of Stones

mother of stones wukong
Image credit: IGN

Upon defeating the Mother of Stones, you’ll receive the Essence of Stone, a key item needed for the Man-in-Stone questline. Additionally, you’ll be rewarded with Stone Spirits and Yaoguai Cores, which are valuable for crafting and upgrading your gear​.

One of the most significant rewards from this encounter is the ability to transform into a Rock Guai using the Azure Dust Transformation Spell. This transformation allows you to adopt the slow yet powerful form of the Rock Guai, which can absorb more damage and deliver heavy attacks. It’s a useful tool in tougher battles where defence and endurance are critical.

Why the Mother of Stones Is Worth Fighting

While the Mother of Stones is an optional boss, taking her down is well worth the effort. Not only does the battle provide a unique challenge that tests your endurance and strategy, but it also rewards you with powerful items that can significantly enhance your abilities in the game. The Azure Dust Transformation Spell, in particular, opens up new possibilities for how you approach combat, allowing you to adapt to different situations more effectively.

Moreover, completing the Mother of Stones encounter is a crucial step in the Man-in-Stone questline, leading to even more rewards and enriching your overall experience in Black Myth: Wukong​.

The Mother of Stones is more than just a miniboss in Black Myth: Wukong—she represents a challenge that requires careful planning, quick reflexes, and smart resource management. By mastering the Palestones and staying focused throughout the fight, you’ll not only emerge victorious but also gain valuable rewards that will aid you in your journey through the game.