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OpenAI Announce Its AI Video Generator, Sora, and How to Try It

OpenAI Announce Its AI Video Generator, Sora, and How to Try It

February 16, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

OpenAI has recently made waves in the tech world with the introduction of its groundbreaking video-generating model, Sora. This model has the ability to create one-minute videos that possess an uncanny resemblance to reality. As a result, Sora has sparked both excitement and concern among enthusiasts and professionals alike.

OpenAI on How to Try Sora?

The burning questions on everyone’s minds are twofold: Will Sora render traditional video production obsolete? And how can one get their hands on this cutting-edge technology?

Addressing the first question involves navigating a complex landscape of artistic rights and regulatory frameworks, a journey that will likely take considerable time and effort. As for the second question, the unfortunate reality is that most of us will have to wait. While Sora has been publicly announced, OpenAI has clarified that it is currently undergoing rigorous testing to ensure it doesn’t produce harmful or inappropriate content. Access is currently limited to a select group of visual artists, designers, and filmmakers who are providing valuable feedback to refine the model for future use.

Although demos of Sora in action are available, widespread access remains elusive, with no timeline provided for a public release. Unless you’re involved in the red-teaming process or part of the exclusive group of testers, patience is the name of the game. In the meantime, interested parties can explore the demos provided by OpenAI and keep an eye on CEO Sam Altman’s updates on the platform. While the future implications of Sora remain uncertain, one thing is clear: the world of video production is on the brink of a revolutionary transformation.