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Unbelievably Secret Way to Mine Ore Faster in Starfield

Unbelievably Secret Way to Mine Ore Faster in Starfield

September 16, 2023 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

If you’re diving into the vast universe of Starfield, you’ve probably realized that mining ore is a crucial aspect of your journey. It’s the lifeblood of your interstellar adventures, allowing you to upgrade your spaceship, craft valuable items, and earn precious credits. However, after hours of play, you might still be unaware of a game-changing revelation that will significantly boost your ore mining efficiency. Here is a secret way to mine ore faster in Starfield that you probably don’t know yet. Welcome to the world of laser cutting!

Laser Cutter Secondary Fire in Starfield You Probably Didn’t Know Yet

While most players are busy relying on their trusty mining tools, there’s a hidden gem within the game mechanics that can revolutionize your ore mining experience. It’s called the laser cutter’s secondary fire, and it’s a game-changer. Traditionally, players use the primary fire mode of the laser cutter to mine ore, represented by a standard red laser beam. But here’s the secret: if you hold down both the left-click and right-click buttons simultaneously (or both triggers on a controller), the laser cutter’s beam undergoes a remarkable transformation from red to vibrant orange.

Now, you might be wondering, “Why is an orange beam such a big deal?” Well, it’s a big deal because it allows you to mine ore at a significantly faster rate compared to the standard red beam. This means you can gather resources more efficiently and save valuable time on your interstellar journeys. However, there’s a small trade-off – the orange beam consumes slightly more energy than the red one. But don’t let that deter you. Typically, you mine ore in small clusters of two or three before moving on to a new location. During this time, the cutter’s energy will replenish, making this mining technique incredibly efficient.

Starfield – Laser Cutter Comparison From PC Gamer

Now, you might be wondering why the game didn’t explicitly teach you about this useful feature. Well, you’re not alone in your curiosity. Starfield tends to leave some of its most valuable mechanics unexplained, and the laser cutter’s secondary fire is one such example. So, if you’ve been labouring away, mining ore with just one button held down, it’s time to level up your mining game with the orange beam technique. You’re not alone in this revelation, as many players have only recently uncovered this hidden gem.

In the vast cosmos of Starfield, knowledge is power, and mastering the art of ore mining is essential for your success. By embracing the laser cutter’s secondary fire, you’ll become a true mining maestro, amassing resources at an unprecedented rate. So, don’t miss out on this game-changing technique and make your mark among the stars in Starfield!

For more expert tips and guides on navigating the universe of Starfield, stay tuned to TheDashDouble. We’re here to help you make the most of your interstellar adventures. Happy mining!