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Star Wars Outlaws Roadmap Promises Big Changes—Here’s What’s Coming

Star Wars Outlaws Roadmap Promises Big Changes—Here’s What’s Coming

September 28, 2024 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

Star Wars Outlaws launched as one of Ubisoft’s most ambitious titles, boasting a massive open world set in the gritty criminal underworld of the Star Wars universe. Despite its stunning visuals and deep lore, the game struggled with issues that affected both its gameplay and pacing. Described by some as an “impressive but messy game,” Ubisoft is determined to turn this ambitious project into a Game of the Year contender by revealing a comprehensive roadmap that outlines upcoming updates and fixes.

Why the Roadmap Matters

star wars outlaws
Image credit: Ubisoft

Fans of the game have had mixed reactions, with some praising its intricate world-building while others criticize its clunky stealth mechanics and uneven pacing. Ubisoft’s willingness to address these concerns indicates a commitment to improving the game’s overall experience. The Star Wars Outlaws roadmap serves as a blueprint for these improvements, giving players a clear idea of what to expect in the coming months. This is especially important as the developer looks to restore confidence and reignite excitement around the title.

What’s on the Roadmap?

According to a recent tweet from the game’s developers at Massive Entertainment, there are multiple title updates planned in the months ahead. The roadmap reveals three key updates leading up to November, each aiming to refine different aspects of the game:

  1. October 3 Title Update
    The first of these updates will focus on bug fixes and general performance improvements. While this might sound routine, it’s a crucial step in stabilizing the game and addressing some of the more glaring technical issues players have been facing since launch.
  2. October 24 Quality of Life Update
    This update is all about implementing quality of life improvements. Ubisoft hasn’t gone into specifics, but players can likely expect changes that enhance the game’s overall usability, such as adjustments to the user interface, better inventory management, and possibly tweaks to in-game navigation.
  3. November 21 Title Update 4
    Coinciding with the release of the game’s first story pack, this update promises combat and stealth improvements. This is where Ubisoft is looking to make some of the most impactful changes, given that clumsy stealth has been one of the main criticisms. Additionally, new free contract missions will be introduced, providing fresh content for players looking to further immerse themselves in the game’s expansive universe.

The Lando Calrissian DLC and New Story Packs

One of the standout highlights from the roadmap is the announcement of the Lando Calrissian DLC set to drop in November. This additional content is expected to dive deeper into the world of Star Wars Outlaws, featuring new missions and interactions centred around the suave smuggler Lando Calrissian. For those who enjoyed the game’s emphasis on narrative and character development, this DLC could provide a much-needed boost in content quality.

The first story pack, arriving on the same day as Title Update 4, will further expand the game’s universe. This pack will likely introduce new characters, side quests, and possibly even new areas to explore. By continuing to build on the game’s rich lore, Ubisoft aims to keep players engaged and invested in the evolving story of Star Wars Outlaws.

Learning From Past Mistakes: The CD Projekt Red Approach

Star Wars Outlaws Preview
Image credit: Ubisoft

Ubisoft’s efforts to overhaul Star Wars Outlaws bear some resemblance to what CD Projekt Red did with Cyberpunk 2077. After a rocky launch, CDPR dedicated time and resources to implementing fundamental changes, ultimately transforming Cyberpunk 2077 into a critically acclaimed title. Ubisoft seems to be taking a similar approach with Outlaws, focusing not just on surface-level fixes but on deeper, more meaningful updates that can significantly alter the game’s trajectory.

While Star Wars Outlaws wasn’t in as dire a state as Cyberpunk 2077 at launch, the roadmap suggests that Ubisoft understands the need for comprehensive, long-term improvements to satisfy both existing players and potential newcomers.

The Bigger Picture: Star Wars Outlaws in Ubisoft’s Portfolio

Ubisoft’s willingness to delay other major titles like Assassin’s Creed Shadows indicates a strategic shift in focus to bolster Star Wars Outlaws during the critical holiday season. By doing so, Ubisoft is hoping to establish Outlaws as a tentpole release that can drive sales and maintain a strong player base. The added attention and resources could be what the game needs to elevate itself from a “crappy masterpiece” to a must-play experience in 2024 and beyond.

Ubisoft’s acknowledgement of “soft” initial sales points to a desire to rectify any shortcomings quickly and aggressively. The company’s decision to prioritize Outlaws and allocate additional development time and effort demonstrates their confidence in the game’s potential to be a flagship title.

What Fans Can Expect Moving Forward

Star Wars Outlaws post-launch roadmap
Image credit: Ubisoft

The roadmap, as promising as it is, leaves a lot to the imagination. How deep will the combat and stealth improvements go? Will the new content and DLC truly elevate the story, or will it merely serve as filler? These are questions that remain unanswered. However, Ubisoft’s transparency and frequent communication indicate that they are listening to community feedback.

With plans to release future updates addressing more fundamental changes, it’s clear that Ubisoft is willing to do what it takes to get Star Wars Outlaws back on track. Whether it’s tweaking the AI, refining stealth mechanics, or even overhauling mission structures, the coming months will be critical for determining the game’s ultimate success.