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The Very Best Weapons in Starfield and How to Get Them

The Very Best Weapons in Starfield and How to Get Them

September 23, 2023 Off By Ibraheem Adeola

In the vast expanse of Starfield’s interstellar universe, survival often depends on the firepower at your disposal. Whether you’re a seasoned spacefarer or just starting your journey, having the right weapons can mean the difference between life and death. In this guide, we’ll dive into the world of Starfield’s best weapons, how to find and get them, and provide you with some valuable tips to enhance your gameplay experience.

Top Best Weapons in Starfield and How to Get Them

Identifying a top-tier weapon can be accomplished through various means. It may align with your preferred playstyle, possess unique modifications, or boast impressive rarity and perks. Here are some of the best weapons in Starfield, along with details on where to find them and what makes each weapon exceptional:

Heller’s Cutter (Heavy Tool)

Image Credit: Gamerant | Heller’s Cutter

The Cutter is the unsung hero of Starfield’s arsenal. Not only is it a formidable weapon, but it also serves as a versatile tool for breaking apart rocks and mineral nodes. This functionality is crucial for advancing the main campaign and gathering resources on various planets. The best part? The Cutter boasts infinite ammo, with energy that recharges over time. You’ll start the game with a default Cutter, but for a more specialized experience, seek out Heller’s Cutter during the “Back to Vectera” mission. This extraordinary tool comes equipped with the Disassembler perk, granting it a 20% damage boost against robots.

Sir Livingstone’s Pistol (Trait Reward: ‘Kid Stuff’)

Image Credit: Gamerant | Sir Livingstone’s Pistol

Modelled after the iconic M1911 handgun, Sir Livingstone’s Pistol can only be acquired if you selected the ‘Kid Stuff’ trait when creating your character. In-game, your parents will gift it to you. This pistol stands out due to its high rate of fire and damage. It also comes equipped with Large Magazine and High-Velocity mods, allowing you to fire more rounds before reloading and increasing your effective range. If you can’t access this unique weapon, you may encounter a functionally similar version in the game world.

Kraken (Full-Auto Pistol: ‘Shattering Calibrated’ Variant)

starfield best weapon guide
Image Credit: Eurogamer | Kraken

The Kraken, specifically the ‘Shattering Calibrated’ variant, is a powerful full-auto pistol. It can be found relatively early in the game, even at a low level, in a dungeon on planet Maheo I in the Maheo system. This Legendary pistol packs a punch, thanks to its three perks, including the standout Radioactive perk, which deals radioactive damage and demoralizes enemies. Keep an eye out for this game-changing sidearm.

The Deadeye Revolver: Precision and Style

Image Credit: Gamerant | The Deadeye Revolver

The Deadeye may resemble a standard revolver, but it’s far from ordinary. This unique firearm comes pre-equipped with a range of mods, including Laser Sight, Compensator, Penetrator Rounds, and Hair Trigger. Join the Freestar Collective Rangers to get your hands on this stylish weapon that’s sure to turn heads.

Peacekeeper (Quest Reward: ‘Groundpounder’ Quest)

Image Credit: Gamerant | Peacekeeper Rifle

Next on our list is the Peacekeeper, a symbol of unity in the cosmos. The Peacekeeper is a unique Rare Rifle in Starfield, featuring a variety of mods and the Extended Magazine perk. It’s rewarded for completing the ‘Groundpounder’ quest. This full-auto rifle excels in combat, offering higher damage, increased magazine capacity, and enhanced accuracy. You can further customize it at a weapon workbench to suit your preferences.

Beowulf (Rifle)

starfield's best weapon
Image Credit: Eurogamer | Beowulf

Beowulf, a name synonymous with valour and strength, can also be found through various sources. The Beowulf is a fully automatic rifle that offers a reliable mid-to-long-range option. It uses the same 7.77mm rounds as the Grendel, making it an excellent choice for players who prefer controlled bursts. Customize it to fit your playstyle by adjusting its mods and perks. While many rifles are available, Beowulf’s range and accuracy make it a standout choice.

Arc Welders: Bringing the Heat

Image Credit: GameSpot | Arc Welders

Cutters may have utility, but if you’re looking for firepower, Arc Welders are your go-to choice. These energy weapons offer superior damage and range, although they do consume ammo. Keep an eye out for one in the hidden base while embarking on the quest to obtain the legendary Mantis ship.

Fiscal Quarter Auto Rifle

Image Credit: GameSpot | Fiscal Quarter

The Fiscal Quarter is a rare auto rifle that becomes your reward after completing the main quest “All That Money Can Buy.” This rapid-firing weapon comes equipped with a range of mods, including a Short Scope, Compensator, Tactical Grip, Armor-piercing Rounds, and Hair Trigger. Its unique perk, Shattering, allows its bullets to penetrate even the toughest armour.

Eternity’s Gate: A Force to Be Reckoned With

Image Credit: GameSpot | Eternity’s Gate

The Eternity’s Gate, a legendary particle beam rifle, offers both physical and energy damage. To obtain it, you must side with the Hunter during the “Unearthed” mission, which means defeating the Emissary in the later “Revelation” quest. This rifle’s perks include:

  • Skip Shot: Every fourth shot fires two projectiles at once.
  • Handloading: Volatile rounds with a bigger punch, albeit less stability and occasional failures.
  • Anti-Personnel: Provides a 10% damage boost against human targets.

Remember, your choices in the Starfield universe have consequences, and they extend to the weapons you wield. Intriguingly, there’s a third path in the “Unearthed” mission: remaining neutral and not siding with either the Emissary or Hunter. This choice leads to a showdown against both Starborn factions in the climactic “Revelation” quest. While you won’t receive the unique weapons of either faction, you will experience a different narrative outcome.

Experiment A-7 (Shotgun): The Shotgun with an Alien Edge

Image Credit: GameSpot | Experiment A-7

Shotgun enthusiasts will find joy in the Experiment A-7. This rare shotgun offers a decent range for its class and features an impressive eight mods: Long Barrel, Laser Sight, Reflex Sight, Choke, Tactical Stock, Flechette Rounds, Hair Trigger, and Fully Automatic. What sets it apart is the Exterminator perk, which grants a substantial 30% damage boost against aliens. You can obtain this gem during the “Entangled” main mission, perfect for dealing with those pesky alien bugs.

Unmitigated Violence

Image Credit: GameSpot | Unmitigated Violence

If you’re after raw destructive power, look no further than the Unmitigated Violence. To acquire this legendary laser rifle, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  • Unearthed mission: In this quest, you’ll face a crucial choice between siding with the Emissary or Hunter. Opt for the Emissary in this instance.
  • Revelation mission: As you near the conclusion of the campaign, prepare to face the Hunter as the final boss. Defeat the Hunter and claim this weapon for your own.

The Unmitigated Violence boasts several mods and three game-changing perks:

  • Frenzy: Has a small chance to frenzy the target.
  • Radioactive: Randomly deals radioactive damage and demoralizes the target.
  • Instigating: Deals double damage to targets at full health.

Prepare to unleash unparalleled devastation with this extraordinary weapon.

Melee Weapons

Melee weapons in Starfield may come down to personal preference, as they largely serve the same function with slight variations in attack damage and perks. You’ll encounter various melee weapons throughout your journey, including knives, axes, and cutlasses. While these weapons can roll with perks, they typically don’t have the same tiered system as firearms. To enhance your melee combat skills, consider investing in the Dueling Skill, which increases your melee damage, provides damage resistance while wielding a melee weapon boosts movement speed, and restores health when maxed out. Keep an eye out for melee weapons like the Va’ruun Painblade and Titanium Rescue Axe for exceptional damage output.

How to Know the Best Weapons in Starfield

In Starfield, a weapon’s effectiveness isn’t solely determined by its core stats. Several elements come into play, including weapon tiers, rarity, perks, and modifications. Let’s break down what you need to know:

Weapon Tiers

Weapon tiers are a crucial factor in determining a weapon’s damage output. You can identify a weapon’s tier by the prefixes in its name. For example, a weapon with “Calibrated” in its name will deal more damage than its base variant. As you level up and face tougher foes, you’ll encounter higher tiers such as “Refined” and “Advanced.” Keep an eye out for these upgraded versions to bolster your arsenal.


Weapons in Starfield come in various rarities, including Rare (Blue), Epic (Purple), and Legendary (Gold). The weapon’s rarity dictates the number of perks it comes with, and these perks are randomized when a weapon drops. The rarer the weapon, the more powerful its inherent abilities and advantages.


Starfield allows you to customize your weapons with modifications to tailor them to your play style. You can add sights, scopes, larger magazine sizes, and alternate ammunition, among other options. These modifications can be installed using the right resources or found pre-installed on weapons throughout the game world. Don’t hesitate to experiment with different mods to optimize your gun.

Damage Types

Each weapon in Starfield deals with a specific damage type, which can be crucial in various situations. These damage types include Physical (standard ballistic-based firearms), Electromagnetic, and Energy. Some weapons even feature a combination of damage types. For instance, the Novalight deals both Physical and Energy damage. Consider your preferred playstyle and environment when choosing a weapon with the appropriate damage type.

All these elements combined will help you identify what makes a weapon strong as you progress through the game. Your weapon choice should also complement your character’s skills and equipped gear. Keep in mind that your fellow players may discover different gear and perk combinations, so don’t hesitate to experiment to find your perfect weapon.

Even More Tips and Hints

Finding the perfect weapon in Starfield isn’t just about raw stats and perks; it’s also about how well it complements your chosen playstyle. Here are some additional tips to ensure your weapons enhance your gaming experience:

  • Experimentation: Don’t hesitate to try out different weapons that pique your interest. Your ideal weapon may surprise you, and it’s essential to keep an open mind.
  • Weapon Modding and Upgrading: Take advantage of the weapon modding and upgrade systems. Fine-tune your favourite weapons to increase damage, adjust functionality, and improve magazine sizes.
  • Build Synergy: Ensure that your chosen weapons align with your character’s skills and equipped gear. Synergize your playstyle, skills, and gear to maximize your effectiveness in combat.
  • Future Updates: Stay informed about future updates for Starfield, including mod support and expansions. These updates may introduce new weapons and adjust the balance of existing ones, keeping the gameplay fresh and exciting.
  • Exploration: Starfield offers a vast and immersive universe to explore. You may spend a considerable amount of time exploring before making significant progress in the main quest. Keep an eye out for hidden weapons and gear.

In conclusion, while this guide provides a recommended list of top weapons in Starfield, remember that your playstyle is unique. Use these suggestions as a starting point, but don’t hesitate to forge your path and discover weapons that resonate with your personal preferences. Starfield’s universe is vast and full of surprises, so embark on your spacefaring journey with an open mind and a well-armed character.